Sequel: Put Me Back Together
Status: Currently Editing for Grammar mistakes.

You're Not Alone

20; A Reason You Won't Like

Emma's POV

His lips were gentle, soft, and warm against mine. As soon as I realized what I was doing, I pulled back. I was shocked. Brian just kissed me. I kept freaking out in my head. I'm with Matt, I can't do anything with him.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me, really." Brian apologized.

I shook my head before wiping any remains of tears that were on my cheeks. "It's fine, don't worry about it." I said really fast. I was biting my tongue from telling him that I actually liked it.

He tapped his fingers against the steering wheel, "Do you want me to take you home now?"

It was really awkward between us now. I needed to fix this, somehow. I looked up at him, "Actually can we go to the spot?" I waited patiently hoping he was say yes.

My hoping helped, because he nodded. "Sure." He put his car in reverse and headed for the park. The ride there was extremely quiet, the radio wasn't even on, so It made it really awkward.

Brian parked the car and I got out to start heading for the spot. As soon as I got to the little area of branches, I sat on the grass crossing my legs. Brian sat down next to me without saying a word. He pulled out a pack of Marlboro reds and lit one up.

He took a long drag off of it and exhaled. He must be stressed, because I only would seem him smoke when he was upset or, just wanted to party. I nudged him, "Why'd you do it?"

Brian who seemed to be lost in thought; frowned. "Do what?"

"Kiss me." I said, "Why did you kiss me?" I asked curiously while looking up into his chocolate filled eyes. He shrugged, "Honestly, I don't know."

I wasn't buying that, "Brian, c'mon. There had to be a reason you did it."

He sighed, "Alright, but you're not going to like it." He put his cigarette out in the grass and looked down at me, "It started when those bastards shot up our School. When I saw you next to me, how scared you were, something came over me, and I needed to protect you. Since then, I was trying to figure out why I acted that way. Now, I know."

I eyed him questionably, and his eyes gazed into mine. "I'm in love with you."
♠ ♠ ♠
Short, but it's preparing you from tomorrows update. So, how do you think Emma is going to react? Better yet, will Matt and Emma ever be the same? There will be an update tomorrow

Team Brian or Team Matt? ;D

Thanks to the following people who left comments:
You guys are amazing! <3

Btw, what do you think of this layout? I kind of like it better than the other one, since this picture is of when they were younger. c: