No One Ever Really Loved Me

Ice Cream Sundaes And ***ed Up Ex Boyfriends.....

Gerards POV!!!!!!!!

A/N I'd just like to say, I'm MAJORLY sorry for not updating in a while! Hang in there lovies!!


I was in the middle of trying to get Julie to eat some food for once, when her eyes widened, and she looked down. Shit! What could it be?

"Jules, what the fuck is wrong?" I whispered to her frantically.

"Whatever you do, don't look behind you." She said quietly, without looking up.

"Who is it?" I asked her nervously.

"It's my fucking ex okay!" She snapped, then she quickly placed her hand on mine and looked at me apologetically.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have asked..." I said back. I felt her grip on my hand tighten as someone walked up to our table.

"Oh, would you look at this? Seems like this emo bitch finally found someone like her!" The jock said, asshole.

******************************************Julies POV**********************************************

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. James is here. Shit. Gerard just looked at me like I was crazy.

"Oh, would you look at this? Seems like this emo bitch finally found someone like her!" He said, that bastard. It's his fault, he cheated on me. I saw anger flicker through Gerards honey colored eyes, so I shot him a look that said, do ANYTHING and you die.
He obviously got the message, because he seemed to calm down.

"What the fuck do you want James?" I asked, through gritted teeth.

"I was just taking Wendy out and I saw you and this emo fag. I thought we could join you!" He said smugly.

"Don't you ever say that about Gerard. Or I swear to god, I will fucking kill you." I said to him. Anger flaring through me. Gerard seemed taken aback that I said that.

"Are you absolutely sure you want to take me up on that?" He asked, smirking.

"Oh, I could kick your ass any day. No one would miss a bastard like you." I spat.

"I see you're still sleeping around and insulting perfect people like me." He said. Arrogent ass. That's where I lost it, I punched him in the face, and Gerard had to pull me off.

"I always fucking knew you were an asshole. Fuck you." I said as Gerard left money on the table and walked out with his hand on my back. Before we left, I turned back to James and flipped him off.

"What the fuck was that all about?" Gerard asked me.

"That was my asshole of an ex boyfriend James, we dated in highschool. Then he cheated on me. So yeah. That's about it." I said.

"Thanks for saying that back there." Gerard said softly as we got in the car. I took his hand, leaned across and softly kissed him.

LATER THAT NIGHT<3333 (I know, lame, skipping ahead... sorry huns!)

I was sleeping over at Gerard's apartment, and we were currently laying in his bed. (no, not doing what most of you were thinking, pervs...) I snuggled closer to Gerard and he tightened his arm around me. This was it. I had to say it, I'd been holding it in all day. Just say it god dammit Julie. Get it over with. I looked up at Gerard. His eyes were glistening as he watched my face.

"Umm.... Gerard?" I said timidly. He immediately looked down at me, concern in his features.

"Yeah, Jules?"

"I think that... I'minlovewithyou..." I said quickly.

"W-what??" He asked.

"I don't know if it's too soon, but I think that I'm in love with you." I said softly. I looked up at him just as his lips crashed down on mine. Soon enough, it was passionate kiss. My hands travelled to Gerards neck and my hands were tangled in his long black hair. I freed one and tugged at his shirt. Getting the hint, he pulled it off, and mine soon followed. Shortly after, he was fumbling with my bra. What's with guys and bras? They don't seem to mix. I reached behind me and unhooked it. My hands found his belt and I tore it off, struggling with his pants.

"Damn your tight pants, they're good for looking at, but not for taking off." I breathed. Gerard simply grinned, and pulled then off. I burst out laughing when I saw his boxers.

"Y-you're boxers a-ar-re fucking batm-man??!!!" I gasped between laughter. He blushed and looked down. "Oh shit, way to ruin a moment." I said sadly.

"No, that's cool. I can wait." He said, smiling. I got under the blankets and cuddled into his bare chest.

"Hey Gee?" I said.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"You-you're p-poking me!!" I laughed. His eyes quickly widened, and then turned into a glare as he looked at me.

"Jesus, you're crazy tonight. You haven't been around Frank recently have you?" He asked.

"Who the hell is Frank?" I asked quizzically.

"Oh yeah, he's one of my best friends, you'll have to meet him!" He said happily.

"Okay, that means I need sleep though." I said.

"Fine. Goodnight." He said, pouting.

"Night." I said. A few minutes later Gerard broke the silence.

"By the way, Jules, I love you too." He said. For the first time, I fell asleep smiling, and didn't have any nightmares. So, this is what love feels like.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kind of filler-ish. Sorry! I'm gonna try to get more up soon!