Status: still writing

My Guardian

Summer Elizabeth Winterfield

Summer Elizabeth Winterfield, such a sweet girl. She had golden blonde hair that flowed down to about the middle of her back. She had the most beautiful gray eyes. It was December twenty-fifth, her birthday and of course Christmas. She was sixteen now and since her parents were slightly rich she got a car. A light blue, convertible volts wagon bug in their triple car garage. She had her permit and was soon going for her license. She was going to the teen club there in sunny California. She was wearing her birthday outfit that she got from her best friend whom she was supposed to be meeting. Her athletic body was very attractive and made some boys heads turn. She was around five foot four and had the curves in the right places. Her outfit was a little on the emo side. She had on black skinny jeans with holes in the knees and a low cut shirt that showed just enough to be attractive. Her boots with heels, her favorite, were on her feet. Her make-up was heavy on the eyeliner. Her rose chocker was a nice addition to her outfit.

“Summer!” a shoot came from a tall ginger.

“Oh, hey Autumn!” Summer shouted back at the ginger.

Autumn and Summer were best friends from first grade. Oddly enough their names were a surprise. They became friends because of a bully. Summer was an odd child therefore she got picked on. Autumn was the only kid to stand up for Summer and their friendship bloomed from there. Summer lost in her thought of the first time they meet didn’t realize that Autumn was right in front of her now.

“You ready,” Autumn stated excitedly looking at Summer who was wearing the outfit that she bought her.

“Yep, all ready.” Summer replied after she recovered from the little jump.

Summer finally looked over Autumn’s outfit. Autumn had on a dress, light red. She had ginger hair and it flowed to her shoulder blades. Her lovely green eyes were a contrast to her hair but pretty none the less. Her red heels were a dark red that went nicely with her dress. They started walking the rest of the way to the club. Their heels clicked on the pavement.

“We’re here,” Autumn chirped.

Summer looked at the little building, it looked rundown and ragged. They started walking in and they heard footsteps behind them. Summer turned on her heel to come face to face with a hefty man, maybe in his early thirties. He had a partner and he was just as hefty but more, how you say, big.

“Hey, little ladies, where are you two going?” the one in front of Summer asked.

“Certainly not with you.” Summer stated bluntly as she turned back around.

She started to walk pulling Autumn with her until he grabbed her shoulder. Summer spun around and growled at him shoving Autumn behind her. Summer kept growling at the man showing no fear as Autumn’s face was white with fear stricken in her eyes.

“Oh, feisty one huh?” the man turned to the other.

“I guess so,” the one stated flatly.

“My name is Blake by the way,” the man said turning back to the growling Summer.

“I don’t care who you are, do NOT touch me,” Summer hissed.

“This here is Drake,” Blake disregarded everything that Summer had said.

“Didn’t you hear me, I said I did NOT care,” Summer hissed at him again.

Blake just stayed silent and remained still. He put his hand in his pocket and then pulled out a handkerchief. Autumns face got even whiter and she ran into the club that was in full swing and had no clue what was going on outside. Summer turned one moment to her friend to make sure she got inside, leaving her to deal with these two people.

“Now that the little human is out of the picture, we can talk,” Blake stated holding the handkerchief to Summers mouth.

Summer started fighting back but it soon failed her as she started drifting into blackness. “Wait did you say little human out of the picture,” she mouthed the words but nothing came out as she fell limp. Blake held her up and gave her to Drake. Drake took her gladly and carried her to the car. Drake had black hair and very dark green eyes. Blake had the light blonde hair and brown eyes. Drake threw her in the back of the beat up Chevy.

“Does she know she is a werewolf,” Drake asked.

“I’m not sure if she does,” Blake stated truthfully.

They both shrugged and got into the car. Blake started driving past the town and into the woods. Then they went off rood, a sudden stop woke the drugged Summer. She grunted softly as she hit her head off the seat in front of her. She sat up suddenly.

“Where the hell are you taking me?” she growled at them.

“Don’t worry little pup, you’ll figure it out,” Drake commented.

Summer had a puzzled look on her face. She tried to move her hands but they were handcuffed. “When did that happen,” she thought to herself. She looked out the window of the car and saw that they were in the woods. If she could get away she could easily find her way back. She just had to get out of this car. She thought of all her options. She thought about kicking in the window but then thought better of it, she would probable break her foot. “God, what am I going to do” she thought as she slipped into unconsciousness.
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