
Starting Place.

I run as fast as I can. I don't know where I am going but I run.I only hear Hayden yelling "He's gonna kill himself!" and then he jumps out the window after me.
I don't need him I'm ending this. I don't want this nonsense anymore. Why did it have to be this way?
I have been running for an hour or two. I'm in the middle of the woods. No one can find me hear. So I stop and sit down on a rock. I think about this for a lon time. 'What do I want to do? Should I go back? No! I can't!' I want to know my outcome so I close my eyes. I watch myself sitting on this rock and a bush shakes. My head turns it's a little rabit. Then I sit looking strait a head. I hear a twig snap and I turn automatically.I see a six foot tall man with a gun. Someones already got me. I know I can fight back but I see no point. He takes me deep into the woods. This is strange because he's not running or anything like that he's.. Hopping ten feet into the air as he moves. I wonder but I don't care.