
Shoot Me

I feel a sharp pain and a scream. It's not my scream though. It sounds likie a womens scream. I felt my intinct kick in. Even though I didn't want to I had to. And I automaticly jumped up.
I realized I hadn't opened my eyes till now. I knew where I was. There were tall, chocolate brothers all standing in a circle around me at gun point.. I knew what it was but I was afraidut why can't they do it? to turn my head. But it doesn't matter my insticts are already turned on. I am infront of my parrents. Defending them. But why can't thery fight themselves?
The women, unmistakably my mother screams and tries to pull me back. But my father holds her tight and say's "He know's what he's doin." But I don't know what I'm doing.
I think 'help' and I hear Hayden coming to my rescue. What? Then I hear Annalie coming and then Yvette. Ugh.Something else that he didn't tell us. Then I hear Hayden's thought 'I know' And he shakes his head. So we hear eachothers thought.. Hm...
Back to reality. There are twelve men standing infront of me with guns pointed to are little huddle. Not to mention the to people, the ones that brought me to this world. My real parrents. Right behind me , depending on me with there lives. I couldn't let them down.
'We are almost there!' Annalie thought. 'Hang in there bro.' Haydens always got my back.
They are here. We will fight! I hear their agreeing thoughts. We take our stances. But.. 'Wait guys' 'What?' They all think together I sigh then think 'What if.... These guns aren't normal?' 'Close your eyes idiot!' Annalie. I remember then close my eyes I can feel her rolling her eyes. I
I was right , they weren't regular guns. I don't know what they are but they shot, missed, and it burnt a hole in the assfault. But that didn't matter. I ran towards the tallest man and punched him right in the heart.
My eyes shot open and I felt nods all around they heard my vision. So we knew what to do. But they outnumbered us.
'Everyone, think hearder maybe there's more of us!' Annalie suggest we all think 'come help us!