

I hear the woosh of at least thirty people coming to join us. All very confused. I tell them what they need to do, we don't have time to exsplain. I tell them smile. Once they look confused go for the man infront of you. Everyone nods and smiles. The mens exspresion changes and we attack..
My mom is crying behind me. I want to tell her I'm okay. But I can't. There'll be time for that later.
I go for the tallest man. I hear everyones thoughts of succses. But this is different. The man stands, looking at me. Tapping his fingers on the gun. He knows something no one else does. He just looks at me exspectantly. I stand with the smile on my face. Hopefully he thinks I know what he does. Just to give us a pause so everyone can attack. Everybody has destroyed their men. That brings a bigger smile to my face. So I think. 'I need everyone t cover me. I'm gonna see what happends.' I hear around 20 'Okays'
I close my eyes when I know it's safe too. I see this scene. Something stange happens though. Something that hasn't ever happend. My dream focused on my mom. I ran to her than run and destroy the man. But the women looks different too.
My dream doesn't tell me how I destroy him. It shows me running up to him and pressing something against his heart. Then he blows up. I open my eyes. I know everyone else saw the dream inside my head. But they don't understand it.
I think 'The women, my mom. Somethings different about her' I put the image of her in my head then the image of her after. 'The necklace!' Some boy I don't know thinks. I put the image back in my head. The pendant is round and has sharp edging. In the middle, in gold curly letters it says. 'Palid Pielea Luptator'
I know what I should do. I think 'I will take the necklace. Everyone use your powers on this necklace when I hold it to his heart, got it?' 'Got it.' Everyone replys. 'Let's do this!'
I take of for the neckalce I am covered so he doesn't know what I'm doing. The women hands me the necklaces smiles and kisses my head. I smile back wry. I turn and take of for the man shove the necklace to his heart and yell "NOW!"
I can feel everyone using all there power. The force is unbearable. The only thing that keeps me standing is Annalie, Hayden, Yvette, and my parents. I have to do this for them.
My arms and legs start to shake. My knees want to give out. I'm about to let go then I remember. Annalie's baby. That little creature in her that doesn't deserve to die. Doesn't deserve this. The helpless baby that can't do anything to protect itself. 'I can though' I hear a smalll little voice and I jump. So does Annalie and Hayden. Not only is the helpless baby about to die it has to bare the condition that was set apon us. ' I don't have to die Jackson. None of us do. I well save us. Do you believe me?' The little voice believes that I have nomore hope but to do the only help I was offered. 'Don't worry Momma. I won't hurt you. Just believe me. Believe in me.' Annalie starts to cry and I think accedentally. 'This is no time to cry Ann suck it up and believe the baby!' She scowls and believes her child.
I feel the power coming from the little baby. It's more than anything I've ever felt. But I keep forcing my power to the madalion. Soon enough sparks fly and the man starts to shake. The smile he once bore is vanished. He soon begans to fade away into the darkness.
The man is gone. But I still hold the necklace they havn't let there power lose yet. I think 'Okay, you can stop now he's gone.' The force starts to ease until it's gone. 'Good job baby.' 'I knew you could do it son.' The complement from my parents make me smile. I hug them tight. "Never leave me again!" I plead into my dads shirt "We never left." He say's. I look up in confusion. "You left us dear." My mom say's.