
Palid Pielea Luptator

*Knock knock* Hayden knocked on his Grandfathers door at 10:30.
"Someones got some exsplaining to do." He said furiously. "Hayden, don't get so mad we aren't hurt." Annalie disoproving was confirmed. "Annalie! That's not what I'm worried about. Of course we could have been killed, but he knew we weren't normal and kept it from us!"
"He was trying to protect us Ann."
"Guys!" I yelled their costant bickering and my strange feeling didn't mix. "Guy's i've seen that man before. He knew me to he must have followed us."
"Jackson, don't be ridiculous. That man was no friend of ours."
"No Annie, I've seen him. In my dream"
The door opened at our horror filled exspressions. Hayden's Grandpa saw our faces and he knew we had found out he sighed and said "Come in." We walked in and he motioned us to sit down. I took the seet he'd pointed at and said "What are we?" Annalie was quicker though "What makes us this?" And Hayden was shortly behind "Why'd you keep it from us?"
He looked at all of us trying to deside what question to answer first. He must have decided because he sat in the chair across from us and began his story.
"Many years ago, there were greek warriors. Pale, beautiful, kind hearted, each of them had their own 'power, or 'gift' You could say. Their were five warriors, then the gaurds but that was different" He looked at me with a gramace and sighed befor opening his mouth again."Their names were Jacob Trean, Annalyn Smit, Parker Hamton, Maggie Tahara, and Micheal Reed. They all had strange talents but Micheal's was the most powerful. He could see peoples thoughts. Not quiet read minds but he could say their strongest thought. They were called 'Palid Pielea Luptator' It means pale skin warrior. These warriors were your Grandfathers and Annalie's Grandmother. They had incredible strength. They were fast too."
He smiled kindly. "Now. Who wants to tell me what their powers are and what happend tonight?"
"I will."
"Okay, Jackson whatcha got?"
"Ima.. ima dreamer. I'm really fast too, I don't just dream. I dream the future or the past. And when I close my eyes and picture the seen in question. I 'day dream' what to do next."
"Wow! Fasinating! I want to know what happen tonight. Annalie, your powers?"
Annalie blushed "I can fly, and I know when theres trouble who's in trouble and how they are feeling."
"Amazing, Hayden?"
"I know when i'm being lied too. And people are drawn to me"
"Wow.." He said awestruck.
We informed him of what happen today. "I knew that man. "He was from my dreams."
He looked at me and I told him my dream as if I knew what he was asking.