

"That's insane!" Hayden's grandpa shook his head. "I've never heard anything like it."
"That's what I thought..." I mumbled.
Annalie told her version of the story. It was just like mine accept I was older. Not much older than I am now. Hayden's grandpa nods and stands up.
"I guess that was our signal too leave, lets go guys."
We all stand up and walk across the room to the front door. As soon as I get out the door I freeze. My muscles tighten, my jaw drops. Nothing in the world could posibly meant more to me. I knew Hayden and Annalie were talking to me but I couldn't hear them nor did it matter. I had to get across the street. I had to get... Her.
I sprinted across the street, forgetting my super speed. - She pauses and knows instantly somehow what happened. She smiles and stands by.- I almost ran into her. But I stop protectingly.
She holds out her arms as a gesture. I embrace her quickly and she says "I've been waiting for you all my life!" I look into her hazel golden layered eyes and say "What is your name beatiful?" She flips her dark brown hair and says. "Yvette,Yvette..."- I put my index finger over her pinkish lips and and shook my head. That doesn't matter. It will soon change. Her face turns bright red and she staggers to get out. "and you my love?"
"Jackson Reed."
I forgot all about the world in that moment. But I knew I had to get back to reality. I turn and Hayden and Annalie are standing mouths open, as white as snow. I take Yvette's hand and run back to my best friends and she has no trouble keeping up. Annalie finaly looks at me shakes her head as to clear her mind of what just happends and says "I think we need to go back and talk to Grandpa..."
I looked at Yvette and kissed her on the cheek and said "It'll be okay."