You're Not Invisible to Me

When I'm 50?

I'm starting to really hate flying. I went back to Phoenix for a while to be with my boyfriend but now I'm flying back to see Kylee. We broke up and I've pretty much got a few suitcases to my name and my dog, Rizzo. I would be happy to see Kylee again but I guess her and James are pretty serious now. I knew that meant I didn't have much time to cry to her about my break up because she'll be all over her man. But this was the best I could do on such short notice. Oh, and he was cheating on me, the asshole.

The plane landed and I slowly walked off, picking up Rizzo's cage from the special luggage area. He whined in his sleep while I headed down to meet up with Kylee. I felt like shit and I was just too damn tired to deal with her boyfriend. But of course, who was there with Kylee? Her boyfriend! Oh joy! She and him already had my bags but Kylee dropped them to run over and hug all the air out of me. I wanted to cry right there in the airport but I sucked in a deep breath.

“I'm so sorry, Katie.” she said.

“It's fine.” I said, sighing.

She frowned and picked up some bags as we walked out to the car. I eventually passed out on the way to her place. As soon as we got there, I dragged myself upstairs, letting the dog out. He ran around to sniff everything while I face planted onto the bed, burying my head into the pillows. I was just laying there, crying to myself before someone knocked on the door. I let out a muffled come in and I heard footsteps before someone sat on the edge of the bed.

“Kylee went out to get you ice cream. Are you doing okay?” James asked. No, get the fuck out of my room.

“No. My boyfriend was cheating on me.” I mumbled into the pillows. I heard the jingling of tags and then my dog was sniffing next to my face before falling over and laying next to me.

“I'm sorry. It's never okay for a guy to do that. You didn't do anything wrong.” he said. “No one deserves that.”

“How do you know that I didn't cheat on him before?” I asked, turning my head to look at him.

“You wouldn't. Don't seem like the type.” he said. I huffed and pushed my face back into the pillows.

“Fine. You're right.” I said.

“You're not a bad person, Katie. You just had a bad boyfriend who didn't appreciate you.” he said. I couldn't help but smile a little as a laugh escaped me.

“No wonder you're in a boy band.” I said, laughing more.

“I'm a big old softie once you get to know me.” he said. I stayed silent for a little bit, hearing him text someone quickly.

“I'm sorry. I've been such a bitch.” I said, turning to look at him. I quickly wiped my eyes and looked up at him.

“No, I get it. You were just protecting your friend.” he said, adding in a little smile.

“Still sorry.” I said.

“Well, apology accepted. Friends?” he asked, holding his arms out.

“I guess.” I said, rolling my eyes a little. We hugged briefly before the front door opened and Kylee was back, with someone else. James went to talk to her while I pulled Rizzo over and dug my head back into the pillows.

“Katie?” I heard Kylee saying.

“What?” I whined. I heard some footsteps and the door shutting. A plastic bag was being placed on my dresser and then someone was taking off their shoes. The bed sunk and a pair of arms wrapped around me. I looked over to see Logan, smiling sadly at me.

“I heard there was a beautiful girl crying over her douchey ex boyfriend.” He said, smiling a little.

“I can't believe I feel for him.” I said, resting my head against his chest.

“We can't help who we fall for. But you'll find the right guy.” he said.

“When will that be? When I'm 50?” I asked. His body tensed a little and then relaxed.

“He's a lot closer than you think. Just be patient.” he said. I didn't say anything else, because the flight had drained what was left of my energy and I fell asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Been a while
holy crap.
sorry guys :/
I'm just a procrastinator with a WHOLE LOT of distractions.

Kylee :)