Lips of Deceit

A Flashback

“You’re not tired?” Synyster asked as they walked across the street, dodging cars and smothered in the darkness.

“Well you kept me up didn’t you? Might as well catch a few drinks.” Lily laughed.

“Hah sure some shots…” Synyster smiled, “What’s with that kid and you?”

“I just tripped and he had to go and make a scene.” Lily gulped down hard, trying to soften her pulse.

“I met the kid once, him and his brother along with the band.” Synyster flicked his cigarette against the floor and smothered it with his shoe.

“Are you friends with him then?”

“Not really, Matt’s pretty good friends with the singer, but we have a bunch of friends anyways.” Lily lifted her head and smiled at Synyster but he didn’t smile back. “You sure you didn’t know that kid?”

“Maybe been at few of his concerts, but nah.”

“Then,” his voice withered emotionless, “why were you kissing him?” Synyster stared coldly toward the shining neon lights of the club.

Lily's heart skipped a beat, “It wasn’t-“

He ran his fingers through her hair and took a liking to a particular one. He clutched the strawberry blonde strands within his fingers and pulled them back. She let out a small cry and twisted her eyes shut. Her head was pulled towards his shoulder while he placed the other hand against her heart. “I’m pretty sure, you wouldn’t.” His chin was against her forehead, feeling the soft drumming against her chest. “So don’t do it.” Synyster’s voice was heavy. His tongue slipped toward her collarbone where she maneuvered away from his grasp. Synyster shrugged, lit another cigarette and gazed toward her face where the smoke floated away from his throat.

“Syn!” Lily glared at him, trying to maintain a serious tone, “I…I’m sorry…”

Synyster simply nodded and grabbed her hand into the club. “Find Murdock.” Synyster whispered. Quickly after his soft disperse of words he detached himself towards Zachary Baker. Lily watched him push through the crowd, just to flicker the smile that lit all the girls on fire. They surrounded him like a flock of vultures with their glasses spilling liquor.


The fiery feeling was swirling in his throat and slipped away from his lips in the form of a hazy smoke. He breathed heavily and crawled his hand toward his heart. His fingertips dug into the depth of his skin. Even though the blood rushed to his chest, he didn’t mind. He just wanted to be reassured that he was alive. The cigarette cradled into his other palm began to cripple into ashes. A smug look appeared onto his face, but he let the ashes wither against the creases of his jeans. It didn’t matter, it just added to the Marlboro packs and cigarette butts around him.

“Mikey?” Ray softly whispered. “Oh Jesus…Gerard give me a hand will you?”

”Where are you guys?” Gerard’s voice was faint.

“Out back, near the alley!” Ray sighed.

Gerard appeared, the same disappointed expression written along his face. Gerard’s fingers were clasped around the door handle. “Look Ray, just leave him, he’ll get up eventually.”

“But Gerard, look at the mess...he needs help and it’s late…” Ray replied concerned, his eyes stuck onto Mikey.

”We talked about this Ray. Mikey wants to be alone. Right, Mikey?” Gerard faintly smiled.

“Ray it’s fine, I’m fine I mean.” Mikey returned the faint smile, hoping his brother would catch the gratitude. Ray stood for a moment, like his heart was trying desperately to become victorious in this situation. However, his footsteps and the rest of his older brother’s, echoed under the creaking door. It amazed him that when he spoke, the words didn’t fumble. Now a days, he just wouldn’t talk at all.

But the only thing that reminded him of his life was that pulse. His eyes lingered to the yellow caution tape wrapped around his wrist.

And when his eye lids wouldn’t let him stay awake, her words seeped into his wasted decay.

”I know it’s a hazard Mikey, but I’ll take the risk.” She smiled.
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Wow long time since update no? Hope this update makes you hate me more haha. But I'll definitely be updating more so be alert sillies (That isn't a word but who cares!?)<3