‹ Prequel: Just Like You...
Status: A Work in Progress

Mirror Image



I crawled into my bed quietly on the opposite end of the room that JJ was in, my room. Jacky followed suit. He kissed my forehead.

"Good night, love."


I closed my eyes. Minutes went by as I slowly drifted off to sleep before he spoke again, more quietly this time.

"I love you." Jacky whispered. "And, I promise, I'll try to make that a diamond ring some day, i'll try my hardest."

I was too tired to open my eyes and reply, but I think he'd thought I was asleep anyways.


"You're getting married." I watched as Sammi twirled around in her dress. She'd gone in for a fitting and taken me and JJ with her. "That's just…it's so…"

"Amazing." She finished with a smile. The woman behind her pinned up part of the back and looked at her reflection in the mirror.

"There, I think we can tuck this up a little more and you'll be good." The woman smiled.

"Thank you." Sammi nodded and went to change. The woman followed to help her. She came back out and went to schedule her last few appointments.

"How did JJ sleep last night?" She tapped him on his nose and he sneezed.

"He slept well, woke mommy and daddy up a few times, but well over all." I smiled, looking at him.

"That's good." She smiled.

"Are you…do you…" I was looking for the right words.

"I don't know, not right after we're married…I don't think we have it in our lives right now to start a family…but soon enough we'll figure something out." She smiled. "He's definitely got Daddy's eyes." She commented, nodding at JJ. His eyes were getting more color to them by the day. I nodded in agreement.

"He's pretty green-hazel eyes." I smiled.

"All the girls will go crazy."

"Of course they will." I laughed. JJ opened and closed his mouth a few times, squirming in my arms. "What?" I laughed. He gurgled.

"He's adorable."

"I know." I bit my lip and looked up.

"Uh-oh, what's wrong?" She frowned.

"I…Sammi…what if I'm not good enough at this?" I asked.

"What do you mean? You're doing great!" She encouraged. "You're the best teen mom I've seen, and you've had four times as much to deal with, sweetheart."

"I…I'm just…I know I'm not because I panic when he's crying and I can never tell what to do and Jacky always gets it right, but I can never stop the crying. Aren't I supposed to be able to do that? What's wrong with me? He likes Jacky so much better, why can't I just be a good mom?" I blurted as I started strapping him in. "God damn it! I can't even do the seatbelt right!"

She nudged me over lightly and clicked the buckles in place.

"Why don't you just take him, you deserve him."

"Because he's yours." Sammi gave me an encouraging smile. "And I know you can do this. Both you and Jacky have this covered."

"I wish." I rolled my eyes, getting in the car. She climbed in and started the engine.

"So, I was thinking…."

"Oh Dear Lord." I covered my face with my hands.



"Come on! It's my job! I'm asking you to be a part of it!"

"I don't want to be a model." I whined. "I dropped that when I was like four."

"Then give me your baby!"

"That's what I've been saying!" I said, exasperated.

"No! Not like that!" She laughed, stopping at the light and drumming her nails impatiently. "Give him to me for a photo-shoot!"

"I'm not giving you my baby to take pictures of before he can even sit up on his own." I sighed, "But you can take him and raise him."

"No thanks." She smiled, "But that's what I'm saying! You should do it too! Be in the pictures with him! And--" Her eyes widened, "Jacky too!"

"Christ, Sammi." I muttered into my hands.

"Come on! It'd be gorgeous!"


"It's my job! I promise I'm amazing at it!"

"Sammi! No!" I whined.

"Yes!" She parked the car and killed the engine in her driveway. Ronnie had moved and taken us all with him. It kind of sucked, but it's easier to record from L.A. considering it's where his label's main studio is and he was flying out here so often with the others and…


Well, I'd moved in with Jacky…he got his own place and I mean…we're not officially living together now…but it's close to it. I maybe go back "home" to Ronnie's every other week for a day or two. It's easier to raise a kid with someone there to help.

The move also brought us closer to JJ's god parents…

And Matt and Lucas are currently sharing an apartment with our new bassist Grey.

It's been three months, I finally moved after I finished my program time…

I struggled to get the car seat out of the car as she ran to the door.

"There you are, poor Jacky has been here for two hours! You were supposed to be back at noon! It's three!" Jinxx was at the door already. Sammi smiled and pecked his cheek.

"We're home now." She turned around. "Oh, wanna stay for dinner?"

"No, it's okay." I smiled, trying to carry the seat. It kept tangling around me and I couldn't manage it.

Suddenly, someone helped me lift it. I looked up.

"Hey." Jacky brushed a kiss on my lips.

"You sure? You only live down the block, you can stay!" She waved it off. "I'm ordering Thai."

"I live fifteen minutes away…an hour with L.A. traffic." I frowned.

"I'm ordering Thai."

"Okay." I sighed and sat down on the couch.

"How was he today?" Jacky asked.

"Good, quiet." I smiled. He nodded with a small smile in response.

"Not too much stress?"

"I'm fine." I promised.

"I trust you." He whispered.

I nodded.

That's what he was doing now, telling me he trusts me. I guess…I guess I gave him reason to think I doubted that. He just doesn't want me ruining my life. I know he doesn't mean it rudely.

"B-b-bllllllllll!" JJ blew an amused raspberry with a giggle and we both laughed.


"See!" Sammi cried, "So cute!" She shoved (one of) her camera(s) in my face. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

Jacky looked confused.

"Shea won't let me do a little…mini shoot with all three of you." She explained.

"I don't want to be subject of millions of photos!" I whined.

"Stop whining, you're doing it." She told me. "Monday, my studio, be prepared for a long day."

♠ ♠ ♠
Shhhh, shhhhhh! Drama to come, this is a lead in sorta like the last one...

Please, comment! I love hearing from you all!

Sorry I haven't been on! I've been crazy! I have a school concert among finals and a million other things XD It's INSANE! And I'm super stoked to be going to Bamboozle this Saturdaaaay! Anyone going? Please don't kidnap me! XD

Maybe I'll post what I'm wearing or something so you can stalk me if you're going...then you can just say "hi" and I can get kidnapped by some 50 year-old creeper! XD


So I keep meaning to direct you all to my co-write story with... pokadotzebrapants
It's called "Nothing Prepared Me for This" and it's brand new :)

She MESSAGED me to co-write and I felt all special-ful inside XD

Which, btws guys, if you're holding a contest or need a co-write, I may be insanely busy but I'd love to participate, so just message me, don't be shy XD I'm really not scary!

I love you all very much, please comment XD