Status: Willy Wonka was here....

Hold Your Breath, Make a Wish, Count to Three

One: Brown Eyes

There was an accident.

Those four words played over in over in Bella Swan’s head since they fell from her father, Charlie’s lips. He continued to explain his brother and her uncle, Nathan, had died along side his wife Ella in a car accident. Bella’s mind thought of the family that lived in Montana she didn’t see often; Nathan and Charlie were about ten years apart, Charlie Nathan’s senior, and weren’t very close. Bella’s mind then floated to Nathan’s fifteen year old daughter.

“What will happen to Gabriella?” Bella asked softly.

“She will come her to live with us; we’re all the family she has left.” Charlie said pursing his lips. “We’ve got the extra bedroom at the end of the hall, she can have it.”

Bella nodded. Charlie was taking on a lot of responsibility with this girl. She remembered hearing Ella had a hard time with the pregnancy, and Gabby was born prematurely, leaving some things not fully developed. The baby spent almost six months in the hospital and as she grew older they found it stunted her growth leaving her only about four foot ten. Secondly, it left her with a partial mental disability, a lot like autism. She was fine, but lacked most social skills and seemed to be extremely smart, yet to those who didn’t know suspected she was the opposite and not very bright. “When does she come?”

“Well the funeral tomorrow night, so I’ll just bring her back with me after I fill out all the necessary papers with social services. The church they went to is taking care of the house, leaving it one day for Gabriella.” Charlie said quietly, looking down at the coffee mug in his left hand.

“I’m sorry, Dad.” Bella whispered. “Nate was good guy. Look, while your gone, I’ll get her room together.”

Charlie looked up at this. His daughter had shut down about a month and a half ago after her boyfriend left. This was the longest conversation they had in a while and she was offering to help. “Thanks, Bells. Well I’ll leave money, I better go pack and look up a flight.”

* * * * * * * * * * ** * ***

The service was quiet, and full of all the people whom his brother and sister-in-law touched. As the people began to leave, one person remained by the casket as it lowered into the ground. Charlie walked over to her side and wrapped an arm around the small girls shoulders. Gabby tilted her head to her uncle and together they stood in silence as soft tears dripped down her ivory cheeks. Some time later Gabby found herself in her favorite light blue sweater and jeans staring at the boxed up room that was once her room. “Ready to go kid?” Charlie asked from the doorway. She nodded softly, her bangs falling over her eyes. Her small hands gripped tighter to her stuffed giraffe and she turned to leave the room, one last glance over her shoulder.

The flight to Charlie’s her new home seemed to be never ending, seeing as she and Charlie were pretty much strangers. Her mind attempt to reason how this was going to work out; she thought of how outgoing and friendly her parents were, and how her dad always said she was shy, just like her uncle. Growing up everyone compared her to Charlie, so maybe things would be ok living with him. Sneaking a glance at her new caretaker, she saw the brown eyes that adorned his face and how they matched her own. Both her father and mother had green eyes, so this was a trait she got from her Dad’s mom, Helen; She was more like Charlie than she knew. “We’re going to be ok, kid.” Charlie whispered, as if he sensed her tension.

She prayed he was right.

The Swans arrived in Port Angeles airport about seven, and Charlie caught a cab to drive them home to Forks. Some where along the way, the emotional drain of the day caught up to the young girl and sleep took her over so when they arrived home, Charlie lightly shook her shoulder. “We’re here.”

She grabbed her backpack purse and giraffe, exited the car, and waited for Charlie to pass her the one suitcase she packed; the rest of her things would be shipped. Staring up at the house, Charlie smiled. “Welcome home. I think Bella is inside.” The small girl followed patiently behind, going in the house and to the second floor to the last room on the right. Gabby was on a white board out hanging on the door in large cursive letters. She nervously reached for the door handle and slightly pushed it open. The full sized bed in the room had a soft pink comforter with matching pillows and a light cream canopy that matched the color of the bed frame. The same cream continued to the chest of drawers, which sat adjacent to the bed, and vanity, which sat in front of the far window. In front of the vanity was a cream stool, covered with a white pillow seat, and lastly next to the bed was a cream-colored desk and chair, a soft pink lamp atop it. Hanging from the windows were stands of pearls that made Gabby smile. The walls may have been white, but pink butterfly stickers fluttered across them. On her vanity she saw a new set of perfumes and lotions as well as a copy of Wuthering Heights and one of Sense and Sensibility.

“It’s my mother’s, your Grandmother’s, old furniture. Bella picked out a new comforter and a few things for you. If you don’t like it, we can always ch-“

“It’s perfect.” Gabby softly whispered, astounded by how wonderful the room was and Charlie’s generousity. Charlie smiled, that being the first he heard the girl speak, so quiet he almost missed it.

“Well I’ll let you get settled in. Bella is at work, she’ll be home later. Her room is across the hall, and the bathroom is down the hall to the left, and mine is downstairs. I’ll be watching the news if you need me.” Charlie said, seeing the girl needed a few moments alone to adjust.

She nodded and climbed atop her new bed, holding the giraffe tight. This will take some getting used to, but this room made it that much easier.

*** *** *** *** *** *** **** ***

“Paul you have got to learn a little self-control.” The alpha growled getting into the beta’s face.

The one called Paul barked in response and flew into the woods. He ran for the longest time and found himself in Forks, behind the Chiefs house none-the-less; with the Cullen’s gone he no longer had to worry about territory lines. He watched quietly as a girl walked up to the house, her long soft curly hair, moving slightly as she went. She looked over at the woods, for just a fraction of a second but that was all it took. From the moment her eyes even unknowingly glanced his way, he felt something inside him change; a great force took over forever linking him to this girl he never met. He felt inclined to know all about her, protect her, love her at all costs. He wanted her so bad it hurt, and he came to the realization she was his one and only, his imprint.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's the introduction and a little boring, sue me. The real fun starts next chaper.

