My Life in a Band

The Phone Call

Finally. The day has come. I was so excited. I couldn't sleep the other night so I decided to stay up so I would then sleep in the morning and wake up again in the afternoon. I did and it was one o'clock when I woke up. I was glad to keep my schedule.

The show was not until six o'clock in the evening. I still had a lot of time. I decided to phone Martin. I guess he was my only, let's call close friend.

I got the phone downstairs and and went back to my room. I locked it even though no one was in the house. But even if there was, the last thing I wanted was for anyone to hear me talking to Martin.

But what would I talk to him about once he answered the phone? I almost forgot that we haven't decided on where to meet if he was going to watch the gig. So I dialled his number.
No answer. I tried again. I decided that maybe he wasn't in the house and won't be home till later, but just when I put down the phone, Martin answered. "Hello?"

"Umm, hi Martin," I said. "It's Amber."

"Oh, you." What was that? "Well hi. Why'd you call anyway?"

"I just thought that if you were really going later for the gig then maybe we should meet up somewhere near FSA. What do you think?"

"Well I don't think that's a good idea since my mom grounded me," he said simply as though I predicted bad weather. He sounded irritated. "And I won't be able to go out for a month, watch TV, you know. So I'm sorry by the way." He didn't sound like he was.

"Oh okay. Well thanks anyway. Goodbye." My heart and face fell.

"Yeah," he said.

Just when I decided to put down the phone sadly, he said, "Amber?"

"Yes?" There was a little bit of hope in my voice that he had decided to come after all.

"About the concert on Sunday, I already have Natasha with me. She just wasn't sure before so that was why I asked you. But she changed her mind so she'll go with me instead you."

"Oh okay. Well have fun." It took all my willpower to sound very cheerful. I expected him to say something but the phone went dead after my last word.

I was so sad that I decided to lay in bed. I thought about that phone call. It didn't sound like the usual cheerful Martin. He sounded really irritated. Well maybe he was busy, I thought. And I understood he was grounded, but why would he answer like that to me in an irritated manner. I don't remember anything bad I did to him. But I was really sad. I thought he would really come for the gig.

And about Natasha. She was the prettiest cheerleader in school. But I was also hoping to come to the concert since it was a long time since I've been in one. I almost cried but then stopped myself. What am I doing? It wasn't as though Martin's my boyfriend. He can do whatever he wants. He's as free as a bird. But he shouldn't have given me false hope. No, I'm wrong. He shouldn't have given me false hopes. With an s. He actually gave me two.

I was so upset that I drifted off to sleep thinking about the conversation. He shouldn't have befriended me from the first time we talked to each other. I admit he's good looking. And that's part why I like him. I scolded myself for being like that. I guess it's in his nature to play with girls. But I'm not even his girlfriend yet.

I had a disturbed sleep after that. By the time I woke up, it was four thirty. I didn't have anything to do so I took a shower and got ready for the gig even though I was too early. I took all my time in the shower. I picked out a formal outfit since the theme for the school gig tonight was supposed to be formal. I wore a black long sleeved shirt with a collar and black slacks. I looked okay. I wore my black tennis shoes. My feet wouldn't be seen once I play. Girls were supposed to wear a skirt but girl drummers were excused since we had to step on the bass drum and hi-hat pedal. I was thankful I didn't have to wear a skirt. I was very uncomfortable with it. I fixed my hair in a ponytail. My favorite hairstyle.

It was still early so I killed the time by polishing my sticks with a cloth. As I did so, I thought about Martin and his very unusual behavior. It was really weird. And I grew very uncomfortable. I was very upset. So upset that I hadn't even noticed I was polishing my sticks too much it was very shiny already. I don't want my sticks to be really shiny. The smudges made me feel that we were good friends.


I put my sticks, brush, perfume, and money in my backpack. I went to the garage to get my bike. I rode then feeling the rush of fresh air on my fresh. It was very nice. I looked at the setting sun admiring it. The sky was already a dark blue with a tinge of red, purple and pink in it. It was beautiful. It was sad to let another day pass. I looked at my watch. It was now thirty minutes before six. The school was near so I still had time.

I arrived there and many people with their parents were also there. I walked further inside toward the hall where the gig was going to be held. What I saw amazed me. The decorations were elaborate. The wooden floor was very shiny, and the stage looked magnificent. But what amazed me the most was the drumset and all the other instruments. They were all brand new. Cool.

I went to find a seat thinking that if Martin was here I wouldn't feel so lonely seeing people with their parents and relatives. Martin should have been my company. I was surprised to see fresh tears in my eyes and hurriedly wiped them. I wasn't about to cry because of him although there was a lump in my throat. I should control myself. I looked at the stage and got ready. My band was the first to perform.
