Always Attract

Chapter 6

I woke up to the feeling of Josh’s breathing softly tickling my neck and his arm holding my waist. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach and lay there for a moment before remembering I had to get back to Allie. I realised that last night was a mistake. It should never have happened.

I slipped Josh’s arm from around m waist and pulled the covers from my body. I decided against a shower seeing as it might be too loud and wake him up before I could leave. I grabbed my dress and shoes changing back into them and folding the clothes I had slept in, leaving them on the end of the bed. Before I walked out the door I looked back for just one moment to see Josh stirring in his sleep. I slipped out the door and closed it softly behind me. Standing at the elevator I searched through my wallet for money to pay for a cab home.

“Lily!” I heard a male voice shout from behind me as the elevator doors opened.

I had two choices, turn around and face him or walk into he elevator and forget about him. I don’t know what made me pick the first option.

“Josh.” My voice was almost a whisper as I sighed.

“Where are you going?”

“I’ve got to go and relieve the babysitter. Allie will be asking for me.”

“Well, just let me put some clothes on yeah? I’ll drive you home, Or, I’ll get a cab with you because we don’t actually have a car.” He grinned. That stupid grin, that smile was what made me wait for him to come back out of the room. I should have got in the elevator, I should have left and not looked back, but I waited for the man with the English accent to come out wearing a dark pair of jeans and a simple white t-shirt.

We stood on separate sides of the elevator as it started moving.

“You really don’t have to do this Josh, I can get myself home.”

“I want to.”

“Look, Josh, about last night, it shouldn’t have happened. I’ve got Allie to think of. Plus, you’re some lead singer of a band from England who leaves the state in a week. I don’t even know you.”

“Just because you’re a mum doesn’t mean you have to close yourself off.”

Oh my god, the way he said mum.

“No, but the fact that you’re going back to England means I have to close myself off from you Josh.”

We stepped out of the elevator and I began walking to the door when he grabbed my arm and pulled me back into him.

“Well, we can at least have today right?”

I had today off of work because of my birthday but I had planned on spending it with Allie. Those stupid blue eyes, they seem to make my butterflies worse and when they look at me like that I can’t bloody control myself. I say yes to everything.

“Okay, but Allie has to come too.” He grinned again.

“Smashing! I love kids! Bollocks! Did I just say smashing?”

I giggled. Wait, what? I don’t giggle. Damn this English man and his ability to make me turn to mush.

He held my hand while we waited outside the hotel for 2 minutes for the taxi to arrive. I don’t know why I was letting this guy in, I knew that ultimately, I would get my heart broken when he left, but one day wouldn’t hurt, right?
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I think this is moving too quickly, but don't worry, it will slow right down soon, because as anyone living in Australia knows, they always have to leave the country and we don't ever know when they are coming back.

Comments are always lovely.