Always Attract

Chapter 9

After we had been to the park I drove Allie, Josh and myself back to my house. Allie was tired so I put her down for a nap before I made Josh and I some tea.

“Lily.” Josh was sitting at my kitchen table watching me make the tea.

“Yes Josh?”

“I really had fun today. Allie is properly cute.”
“I had fun too. She seems to have really taken a liking to you.”

“I hope we can stay in touch. Because I really like you too Lily.”

“Josh.” I sighed.

“I know.” He had moved over and was standing behind me. His hands were on my waist, I could feel his breath on my neck.

“Josh.” I sighed again. “Don’t do this.”

“Don’t do what love?”

“Make me like you and then leave in a week. I know what a musician’s life is like. Plus, you live in England.”

He spun me around so that we were face to face but kept his hands on my waist. “Love, I couldn’t do that to you.”

“But you are.” I whispered before I felt his lips attach themselves to mine.

My eyes fluttered closed and my fingers tangled themselves in his hair. I felt his tounge run along my bottom lip and I allowed him in. His hand slipped under my shirt and rested on the small of my back, pulling me in closer.

I pulled away from Josh’s lips and stepped back. “No Josh. I can’t get attached. Not to you.”

“Love.” He looked at me with those bright blue eyes and stepped towards me while I took another step back.

“No Josh. No. Thankyou for today but I think you should go.”

“Okay. I’ll see you later Lily.” He sighed.

And so, the English boy, with bright blue eyes turned his back and walked out my front door. And for the rest of the day I could taste him on my lips, could feel his hand on my back, and realised that it was too late, I was already attached.


So I turned my back and walked out. She was right, I couldn’t get attached to her and she couldn’t get attached to me. In less than a week I would be leaving her city and in 2 weeks I would be back in England and I would forget all about the Australian girl who had a hold on me after just a day.

2 weeks later

I stepped off of the plane and looked around the all too familiar airport. I was back in England and I had a week break before we toured the UK. I hadn’t been able to get her off my mind. The girl with the long dark hair and the chocolate brown eyes. The one I left behind in Sydney.


It was the normal morning routine. Wake up, get dressed, make breakfast, get Allie dressed, eat breakfast, get Allie to day care, pick up Rosie, tea at the coffee shop and then work. I was sitting at my desk, as I had every day for the past 2 weeks, I found myself once again, thinking about the English boy with the bright blue eyes. The one who got on a plane to the other side of the world.
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I'm sorry. It had to happen. I'm also sorry it took me so long to get this out. I always do this. I have an idea for a story and start it but before I can finish I get a block and can't think of anything to write.

Anyway, so, you get to see a little of what Josh is thinking here. I'll probably keep throwing him in there every now and again but not too often, I love writing Lily.

As always, I would greatly appreciate any comments.