‹ Prequel: All for Helena

Helena, Go Where Your Heart Takes You.

Chapter 1.

I sighed when I woke up, and then opened my eyes. I knew today was going to be a hard day. Helena’s been rather hard to deal with lately, but I know how it is. Especially since Frank’s on tour, yet again. Then the whole ‘I’m a teenage girl!’ thing. She’s become unbearable sometimes, but he should be coming home soon. I got out of bed and swung open the bay windows. I breathed in some of the country air, and looked at sun, which was almost totally up, and it was a little foggy. I got dressed in that same yellow shirt and blue jeans I was wearing when I saw that My Chemical Romance where I finally saw Frank again. I went down the stairs, and started to cook breakfast. I pulled out the eggs, and milk. I cracked three eggs into a mug, added some milk, and scrambled them, before turning on the stove, and pouring the mixture into the pan.

“Morning Mom,” Helena yawned, walking down the stairs. She scratched her head, messing up her hair more. It was sticking up at like, 10 different angles, and she looked dead.

“Hey Helena. Want eggs for breakfast? It’s what I’m making,” I said over my shoulder, scrambling them. She let out a small ‘heh’.

“I guess so.” She pulled out a chair at the kitchen table and sat down. “Dad call yet?” she questioned. I shook my head, and grabbed plates. I spilt up the eggs, grabbed forks, and placed a dish in front of my daughter. I put a fork next to the plate and sat down across from her. I took a bite, and smiled at her. She rolled her eyes and stabbed at the eggs.

“You miss your father, don’t you?” I asked stupidly. She nodded. I patted her hand.

“I do too, but he should be coming home soon,” I told her. She nodded again, and took a bite of eggs.

“I hate it! I mean, every other girl has to fight with her dad over the way she dresses, the make up she wears, and all that stuff, and I barely ever talk to my dad on the phone,” Helena complained. “I wish he would stop touring!” she exclaimed, stabbing at her eggs violently. I sighed.

“I miss my husband, who I barely talk to on the phone. We were supposed to spend time together this summer, but that didn’t happen. When you went to Spain with your friends, he had to be in LA for interviews, and a new video. I couldn’t even come cause I was sick,” I said. I frowned. “And I’m sure he misses us too,” I added.

“Sure doesn’t show it,” she mumbled. I sighed, and shook my head. I knew I had to pick my fights, and the way Frank acted wasn’t a fight I wanted to be involved with. The phone rang and Helena jumped up and ran to get it.

“Hello? Hi Dad!” She smiled. “Nothing really, what’s up with you? Yea, yea. Spain was amazing, I wish you and Mom could have come with....oh. Yea, Mom’s up! Okay, bye Dad. Love you too.” She held the phone out to me. “He want’s to talk to you,” she said, her smile faltering. I smiled a little and took the phone from her.

“Hi sweetie,” I said.

Hey. How’d you sleep without me?” Frank asked. I laughed and twirled the phone chord around my index finger.

“Not as well as with you,” I told him truthfully.

Same here. I’ll be home on Thursday. I can’t wait to kiss you again,” he sighed. I laughed.

“Yea, well, same here. Helena’s at it again,” I sighed, as she walked out of the room. “She misses you, and she says it doesn’t seem like you miss her,” I finished. Frank sighed.

I miss you both. She knows that, and you know that. I don’t know why she’s acting like this,” he said. I clicked my tongue.

“It’s just a part of being a teenage girl Frank. They always have to complain about something,” I said. He laughed a little. His laugh sounded sweeter than music to me.

Yea well, I’ll have to ask Gerard about the good old days,” he said. It was my turn to laugh, and I did.

I gotta go, so I’ll call later. I love you,” Frank said. I smiled into the receiver.

“Love you too, bye,” I said, and then I hung up. I finished my eggs, and went back to my room. I put my face on top of Frank’s pillow and breathed in his scent. Then, I fell back asleep.