She couldn't


She didn’t know why,
but when He looked at her she looked away.
Not, of course because she didn’t like him,
but because she felt something.
She felt as though for a single moment,
merely a second,
the world stopped and it was just the both of them in it.
Then she would look away
because it was too good
and she’s back in biology,
back in the real world.
Even though she kind of wished she wasn’t,
she would have to write the notes the teacher spoke
and read the book she had given them.
She wanted him so bad.
Yet she couldn’t.
Something about him made him
They were friends.
Then love turned to dead weeds and they lost it all.
They thought it wouldn’t happen again.
But it did
and she screwed it all up.
But she wanted another chance.
She couldn’t help it.
The Dirty blonde long hair that she used to stroke.
The Thin body she used to hug.
The adorable hands she used to hold,
that fit hers so perfectly.
In fact she was probably the same way.
The same dirty blonde hair, tall, thin body, small hands,
and yet they both had someone else.
At least he did, after him
Everyone else seemed to fade away.
She still was happy never depressed because of him
but every other guy had a girlfriend,
that didn’t happen to be her.
And she missed him,
she knew she shouldn’t
but she did. And if she could get him back,
she would.
If only they hadn’t drifted away.
If only it wasn’t her best friend she would be
♠ ♠ ♠
More to come :D Chapter 2 is actually cool... yeah i have it written up when?? IDK Comments PLZZ Critique??? PLZZZZ :D LOL Thanks X)