Status: trying this out.

Days to follow

Let's Go

As I finish packing the last of the little nick-knacks, I realize this is for real. I'm leaving this place I thought I loved for a place I don’t even know. The thought of leaving makes my stomach flip, shooting butterflies through me. Maybe this is for the best, something feels right. It’s a ton of mixed emotions.

When the movers arrive at the house I inform them that any piece of furniture or boxes left can go to the truck. I donated most their stuff to Salvation Army, it’s not like I want to keep anything that reminds me of the past, it’s not like I need it.
I say my goodbyes to the house I grew up in, and I'm out the door. Climbing into my A4 Audi Sedan, I cannot help but smile at the structure I once called home. Now, it was simply a stranger to me, but so was everyone, and everything I once loved. Everything except a little boy named Adam.

Adam was my baby brother, currently at the cute age of six. He is still curious, adventurous, and young, but wise and strong for his age. I talk about him so highly because he’s the only one I have left; I’m the only one he has left. We have each other, and always will. I’ll make sure of that.

As I drive to pick Adam from his last day of kindergarten, I know he will have no problem making friends in our new town. Everyone here gives us too much sympathy. Eventually the sympathy with catch up with us, and everyone will feel sorry again. But, that provides enough time for me to patch up the wounds in my heart, and straighten myself out. I tell myself I have to be strong for Adam, but who has to be strong for me? No one.
I park my car, and lock it as I walk up to the front doors of the school. Its 1:45 and we have a long drive ahead of us. As I pass by kids and their mothers and/or fathers; they throw pitiful glances my way. I just ignore them, they are just sorry. And who does being sorry help?
Speak strongly, you can do it I tell myself in my head as I walk up to the secretary, “I’m here for Ad-“

“Why yes, Adam Reznic” the secretary interrupts. Sympathy washed over her face as she turns and calls Adam down to the office to leave. I look around at the class photos from over the years, trying to avoid any communication. My face lights up as Adam walks into the office.

“Hi” I smile sweetly at my brother.

“Marwy!” My brother runs over to me, as I slightly cringe at his nickname. My name is Marilyn, but everyone calls me Mae, except that is for Adam. Adam attempts to call me Mary, but he is always adding extra sounds to his words. I pick up the 6 year old boy and he kisses my cheek. I thank the secretary as we leave.

“How was your day” I ask Adam as I put him back on the ground. I take his backpack from him as he jumps around at my feet.

My brother answers in his little kid language “Sow good Marwy, wee gots to go outside to the jungle gym, and color! Awl in one day!” He rushes to get that all out.

“Sounds like so much fun bubba” Like Adam has a nickname for me, I have one for him.
“It was!” He replies, looking for our car.

“Well, I packed you two bags in the backseat. One has your coloring books, crayons, and other toys. And the other has juice boxes, and some snacks.” I explain.

“Otay” Is all my brother answers with. Even though he is 6, he still understands what moving means; that we have to go away. I know he will make new friends very easily, he's such a clown. I get him all buckled in his car seat, and tell him where everything is. I put a movie on for him, in the portable DVD player, knowing that he will doze off to it.

I get in the front seat, and start our long drive.
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1st real chapter