Status: Finished; Drabble

Light Me a Candle

The Last Candle

“Lit me a candle so I can find my way home to you again.” The man said to his wife as he left their cozy little home for a war a world away. The woman agreed reluctantly fearing for her love’s life, as he marched away with a gently snow pushing him farther and father away.

That had been five years ago, and he has yet to return home.

The woman knew he was dead. The letters had stopped nearly three years ago. She just couldn’t convince herself that he was truly dead though, because a small, but strong part of her believed that he was still alive, and he would come home to her. She still lit a candle every night just before bed in hopes that when she woke up she’d find him there with her. Of course each morning she was always found alone. Her friends and family had told her to give up on him already.

“Just a little longer,” she would say, but time was running out for her, as even her faith was failing her. And now it had completely run out. This would be her last night lighting the candle for someone who would never come back to her arms.

As the woman lit the candle, the first snowfall of the year began, and as she watch the tiny flakes fall to Earth memories swarmed her, reminding her of past times, misting her eyes all over again. Not noticing the figure that was coming closer and closer to her home. Nor did she hear the back door slowly open and close, in fact she was to busy crying to notice anything until.

“So you really did wait for me…I’m glad.” a deep voice whispered with tangible relief. The woman turned and gasped at seeing her husband standing behind her. He was older, more gaunt looking, but the voice and the eyes were the same.

The next few minutes were a blurry of tears, hugs, and sobbed words. All which ended with a kiss more passionate then either could remember.
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Hope you all like it, and thank you for reading