Status: Active


Chapter 3: Nemo

When Tuomas awoke he found himself bound to a chair but the gag had been removed. He looked around. His chair was in the middle of a room in a small, wooden house. Her sword, dagger and bow hung on the wall. Bookshelves filled with books and scrolls lined the walls. Many of them he recognized. He was marveling at them when she walked in.

“You have a wonder collection of books. I’ve never seen so many outside of a library,” he commented.

“Thank you,” she answered. “Are you thirsty?” she said looking out of the window. It was pitch black. “I plan on whipping your memory of ever seeing me but I can’t send you out there this time of year.”

He let his surprise show on his face. “Yes I am,” he said after a moment.

She left and came back with a cup of water. Gently, she helped him drink.

Then she pulled up a chair and straddled it, resting her head on the back. “Why do you keep looking at me like I’m some sort of ghost?” she asked him raising her eyebrow.

“Because everyone thinks you’re dead. They think you were sent off on a mission and were killed by some sort of supernatural demon or what have you,” he replied.

She burst into laugher. “I must say I’m surprised.”

“What happened to you?” he asked.

“I left. I was tired of killing people, tired of how everyone looked at me. Like I was some kind of monster,” she said bitterly. “I tried keep a certain amount of anonymity but that was hard when I had to be the one to deliver the head of the poor bastard to the king. Being the best fighter in the kingdom isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.”

“That’s why people started calling you Nemo, no name,” he observed.

She nodded. “My real name is Ravyn. It was not a life I ever wanted nor would I wish that kind of Hell upon anyone,” she added.

“If it helps I never thought of you that way,” Tuomas told her.

It was the first time he truly looked at Ravyn. She was quite beautiful with long, red hair and blue eyes. He had an overwhelming urge to comfort her. But he was tied to a chair.

“Luckily for us I’m going to wipe your memory of any of this so I don’t have to kill you,” she said.

“How can you do that?” he asked.

“I’ve always been able to do some magic. But I’ve practiced it more after I left and got better,” she told him.

“I see,” there was a pause where neither said anything. “I’m sorry if I upset you earlier,” he said.

“How so?” she asked.

“Calling you by that name. I imagine you are a bit touchy about it.”

She cocked her eyebrow and smirked, “What gave you that idea?”

“Oh only you snarling at me and almost taking my head off,” he chuckled.

He was glad for the change in atmosphere. It suited her better.

“Apology accepted Tuomas. That is your name, yes?” Ravyn said.

He nodded. “My family did not come from here, as you may have already guessed. I come from lands to the north and west.”

“That explains the accent then. My mother’s family lives here but my father’s lies in the islands to the west,” she explained.

He wasn’t surprised at this. The folk from there were known to be headstrong, quick tempered, eccentric, wild and good fighters. “I suspected as much. Your lovely red hair among other things gave you away,” he smirked.

“Yes everyone tells me I take after my father’s side. Which is how I ended up in this mess,” she said looking around.

He cocked his head to the side, “How so?”

“Well you don’t see many local women running around with swords and all manner of weapons being assassins or fighters now do you? No. They are more content to settle down with the wealthiest man they can find and have a dozen and more ankle biters,” she scrunched up her nose in revolt as she said this. Tuomas thought she looked cute.

“What? You don’t like the idea of a dozen ankle biters running around this place?” he laughed lightly.

“Not at all. The only one I need is my cat,” as if on cue an orange tabby walked into the room and curled up next to the blazing fire in the hearth. “So what of you?”

“No,” he smiled. “I do not much like the idea of children.”

She looked at him for a moment, as if trying to read him like one of her books. “Ya know Tuomas,” she finally said. “I rather like you. It’s a shame things have to turn out the way they do. I hope you don’t take this whole thing personally. I am just trying to survive.”

“It doesn’t have to turn out that way, you know? I swear I would not reveal your secret. You are a good conversation partner. Besides, I’d be afraid of you finding me and slitting my throat in the night,” he laughed.

“You’re not far off actually,” she chuckled.

“Of course I’m sure there is some sort of spell to keep me from telling if you don’t trust me.”

“There is and I’ve half a mind to use it. I have forgotten how much I enjoy a good conversation,” Ravyn said. After a moment of silence she stood up. “That is something, I believe, that can wait until tomorrow. For now I think it wise if we get some sleep,” she said untying his bonds. “I have set up a guest room for you with everything you might need. Waking me up in the middle of the night is not a wise idea.” She led him down the hall and opened a door on the left.

The room was small but cozy with no windows. It had a bed, a table and a bucket to relieve himself. On the table was a pitcher of water with a cup and a plate of food.

“Thank you. You’ve been very kind considering the circumstances,” he smiled at her.

She smiled back. “I’m down the hall. If you need me just yell,” Ravyn said before closing the door.

Tuomas heard her lock it. He turned back to look at his arrangements for the night. Things were looking up in a surprising way.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok so it still turned out huge. Oh well I still like it. I tried to finish this last night but it got to be 1:00 and I thought I should get some sleep first. Oh and I have characters up too!
Here you go TheHereticPrincess I finally finished it! Thanks everyone!

Ice Cat