Status: Active


Chapter 4: The Next Morning

Ravyn POV

Ravyn awoke the next morning and went about her usual routine. It was only when she went past Tuomas’ room and heard soft snoring did she remember what had occurred the previous day. She smacked her forehead with the palm of her hand for her stupidity. After that she went about making breakfast for them.

She hated to admit it but Tuomas was a handsome devil. He was also good company. It wasn’t often a man came along that was intelligent and attractive. She decided she might do as he suggested. It would be a little risky but there was always that spell. Ravyn was good at reading people and it was easy to see that he was as true a man as could be found. It wouldn’t take long for her to trust, but he’d have to earn it. Not that she trusted many people.

Ravyn had already stoked the fire from last night back to life and had food cooking on it. She opened the door to get more wood. The ground was blanketed in snow. It went up to the first of the three steps of the small house. She step out and looked at the mountains that sheltered the valley where her home was nestled. Both of the passes in and out of the valley had snow, which was to be expected. This might put a damper on Tuomas leaving today. Not that she was opposed to that by any means.

She pulled on her boots and went back outside to feed Ahern. When she got back breakfast was ready and Tuomas was knocking on his door. Ravyn went and let him out.

“Good morning,” he said brightly.

“Good morning,” she returned. “How did you sleep last night?”

“Fine. You?”

“The same.”

They made their way down the hall and into the living room.

“No ropes?” he said half joking.

“Nope. A storm blew in last night. If you stay I could use an extra pair of hands,” she said as she handed him a plate and indicated him to help himself. “The passes have a good bit of snow”.

They grabbed their food and sat down at her table.

“Would a person be able to cross?” he asked.

“It’s possible but I would not try it unless I was desperate. I would advise against testing the mountain this soon. As I’ve mentioned you’re welcome to stay,” she answered.

He nodded while he chewed. “I think I’ll heed your wisdom. No one knows these mountains better than you, I would imagine. My companions know I’ve holed up somewhere and that I can look after myself,” he said.

“Companions? There are more than just the man who was looking for you yesterday?”

“Yes there are five of us. We are an elite group that works for the king as a branch off of the regular army,” he explained.

“What were you doing around here?”

“Reconnaissance mostly. Things are not as you left them in the kingdom,” he said gravely.

“You say that as if something is terribly wrong,” she noted.

“Because it is. The Gar Empire has grown stronger and is threatening our southern boarder. We were checking for soldiers who might sneak across to raid. It’s fortunate we haven’t found any. You would’ve been one of the first to be attacked. Even the best fighter can be over come by sheer numbers,” he said meaningfully.

“I had no idea. Gar? I would have never guessed. The emperor did not seem like the warmongering type,” Ravyn said stunned.

“He wasn’t. He died not long after you disappeared. His twisted, ambitious son assumed the thrown. Now he sees us as just another piece of glory to conquer, despite our previous good relations. It seems land and glory is not all he conquers either. He loves women almost as much as the scoundrels under his command that pillage boarder villages. It’s said he has more bastards than a tomcat. I won’t go into the stories about what happens to them afterwards. The man is a lunatic and I am worried,” Tuomas said looking out of the window.

“This is evil news indeed,” she said lowly.

“This may not be easy to hear but my advice would be to leave. I don’t want to contemplate what they would do to you if were captured. Especially if they discovered who you are,” he told her.

“What would you suggest I do then?” she asked.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay another chapter! What do you all think?
Thanks to TheHereticPrincess and Love You to Death. for the comments!

Ice Cat