Shall We Call This One-Shots?

Life With Wings

Imagine running down a slope, the wind brushing against your face. With every step you take your whole body becomes lighter and lighter until - quite magically - you take flight. Astonishingly, it seems the most natural experience in the world, soaring gracefully away up into the sky to be come one with your new zero-gravity environment. Then a feeling of sheer exhilaration, wonder, and awe takes hold of your very being as you view the panorama unfolding around you: mountainous, ancient pillars of rock that climb far past the horizon; winding rivers that could sweep you away in an instant; tranquil lakes of clear, blue water. The fresh air around you smells like spring, tastes like the ocean.

The wind holds you now, cushions you. You are in the realm of the birds, and you find in the sky a deeper understanding of why they spend so much time in the air. You unearth a sense of freedom, and any lingering fear evaporates from the back of your mind. As you ride the shimmering air currents, you feel a part of something greater - the whole tapestry of elements that nature has so cleverly woven around you. You swoop, glide, dive through the air, all for the simple joy of being able to do so. You live for the moment, expressing your freedom in the best way you know how. You become an eagle, a hawk, a falcon.

It seems to be such a short time before you feel your feet touch the steady ground again. Your wings disappear as you transform into a human once more. After you experience the marvel of flight, you forever yearn to return to the sky, to have the warm breeze rushing through you once more.
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this is really short, but that's because it was an eighth grade writing piece on "happiness is" and i was only allowed one page.
it's about parasailing in queenstown, new zealand.
i don't like it so much. i barely like it at all. but maybe someone will.

again - comments?
even if it isn't worth it?