Demolition Lovers


"Anna, where you going?" Elena questioned, putting her hand on Annabelle's shoulder. Annabelle swiftly turned towards her sister. The two girls looked so different, it was almost ridiculous. "Out" Annabelle's voice was monotone. Elena, not wanting to annoy her sister, simply shrugged and walked back into her room. Annabelle grabbed her black jacket off the couch quickly, and hurried out the door. She was actually going to the bar that was two blocks down from their apartment. The bar never checked for IDs, nor did they ever cut people off. So Annabelle would go there freely, drinking as much as she wanted, not giving a fuck that she was underage. She was only 19, but she could pass for 21, which is how she always got drinks at this sketchy 'ol bar. The chilly October air felt good against her skin as she walked down the dark empty streets. These streets were always dead at night. Annabelle liked it that way though - she would always go out for walks at night, just because it was completely silent and no one, not even a car, would be around. It was soothing and helped her clear her mind.

She soon reached the bar. The parking lot was a bit full tonight, to her surprise. She shrugged it off and walked in. The sound of shitty rock music and laughter slapped her in the face. This place was usually quiet, and the only sound you would hear is the low volume from the small TV and glasses clinking together. She pulled off the hood from her jacket, letting her medium length blonde hair fall to her shoulders. She skimmed the bar till her eyes landed on a familiar face. "Kelsey!" Anna yelled across the bar. A girl with medium lenght brown hair and piercing blue eyes twirled around to meet the face of the voice that called out her name. A giant smile was now on her face, and she ran towards Annabelle, engulfing her in a huge hug that nearly knocked her off her feet. "Belle! I'm so glad you're here!" Kelsey squeled "I'm glad I am too, Kels. I need a drink so badly.. Ermm, hey, who are those guys over there?" Annabelle asked "Don't know, but the one with the one with the lip ring, green eyes, and redish eyeshadow around his eyes is pretty damn cute" She winked. Kelsey and Annabelle had very similar taste in guys, and they always gawked at the guys they found attractive. Of course, they were way to shy to even go up to them though. They eventually stopped staring at the group of guys, and went up to the bar next to them and sat down. "Yo, Elliot" Annabelle yelled at the bartender, "Jack and coke, please!" Elliot nodded and went to make her drink. "So, I see your love for whiskey is still going strong" Kelsey joked. Annabelle chuckled at this and nodded. Elliot placed her drink down and quickly made his way over to the odd group of guys. Anna took a huge gulp of her drink, letting the whiskey burn as it went down, and the coke sweeten the taste only a little bit. As she finished her drink, one of the boys from the group decided to come over to her. "Hey there" He smirked. Annabelle thought he was gorgeous, but that smirk plastered on his face was making her uncomfortable. "Umm, hi. May I help you?" She asked, trying to be as nice as possible. "I'm Gerard", he said "You look a little young to be drinking" Anna stood up quickly, getting in his face, "What's it to ya?" She sneered, which only made Gerard smirk even more. "Just sayin'. So, what's your name, babe?" He said smoothly. He was talking normally, yet somehow every word that left his lips came out seductivily. "Annabelle. But you can call me Belle" she said while crossing her arms. "GEE, IS HITTING ON THAT GIRL, BRO!" One of the boys from the crowd a few feet away roared. He was clearly wasted. "Frank, shut the fuck up, man" Gerard turned around glaring at the small boy, that Kelsey had commented on earlier. The small boy, known as Frank, clamped a hand over his mouth and stiffled a giggle. Gerard turned back towards Annabelle, still as confident as ever.
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I started this story a while back. It's not that great right now, but that's just because I struggled starting off the story. As the story progresses, I promise it will get better.