Demolition Lovers


Annabelle interested Gerard very much. He couldn't pinpoint what it was that attracted him to her, but there was definitely something there luring him in. It was like she had a rope tied tightly around his torso, and was pulling him in closer by the second.

Seconds after yelling at lil ol’ Frankie, Gerard turned back to the frail girl, taking in all of her features; her light blonde hair, her ocean blue eyes, the faded freckles that were placed on both of her cheeks. He noticed the way her eyes glistened under the dim lights of the bar, and he could tell she was getting more nervous and defensive by the second. He smirked and made eye contact with her, "So, Belle, what brings you here on an eerie Sunday night like this?" Annabelle fidgeted under his gaze, feeling a tad bit uncomfortable, or maybe it was just the booze slowly sinking into her system.

She cleared her throat, "Drinking. Why else would I be here?" She replied in a voice that was slightly deeper than usual. She was trying to come off as intimidating, but, to Gerard, it just came off as adorable. He chuckled at the girl, still holding her eye contact. This made her frown. "You're really annoying me, ya know that, right?" She crossed her arms and raised her eyebrows slightly. By this time, Kelsey had already made her way over to the other boys from the group, and was making conversation with Frank and Bob.

Gerard, once again, chuckled at the girl. "Oh, you're definitely a short tempered one, aren't you, kid?" he smirked. Annabelle just groaned, and pushed Gerard aside, making her way over to her best friend.

"Belle! This is Frank, Mikey, Ray, and Bob" she said, pointing to each of the guys as she said their name.

"Hey, I'm belle" Annabelle said to the guys, saluting them, which made them all laugh.

"So, Gee's taken a liking to you, I see" Frank winked and giggled. She sighed loudly and sat on the bar stool next to Mikey,

"I honestly think he's just trying to get under my skin" she said, her voice hinting how tired she was getting. Frank nodded, not knowing what to say, and began a conversation with the rest of the group. While they all talked about things such as Taco Bell, Marilyn Manson, leather pants, and the 20 million dogs that Frank apparently had, Annabelle stared at Gerard.

He was across the bar, talking to Elliot, and ordering another drink. Annabelle already loathed the guy, but there was something about him... Just being in his presence, she felt safe, but at the same time, in danger. It was an odd feeling, and it made her nauseous.

Belle was soon snapped out of her thoughts by Gerard's pale ghostly hand waving in front of her face. She blinked a few times, and lifted her eyes to meet his hazel ones. She gave him a questioning look, basically asking him what he wanted without her actually having to ask. "You seem out of it," he chuckled, "Anyway, that's beside the point. We're heading back to Ray's place for the night. Your friend Kelsey is definitely up for it. It seems she already fancies Frankie over there. You wanna join us?" The look in his eyes was pleading, almost begging for her to say yes. She could see it, and she didn't want to come off as more of a bitch than she already had tonight.

She kept a straight face and nodded, keeping it simple. Gee extended out his hand for her to take. She hesitated, not knowing what to do. It scared her, letting a stranger into her emotional roller coaster of a life. But something deep down inside of her was saying "let him in, Annabelle. You need to let him in. He's just as emotionally damaged as you are."
She tried to ignore the stupid voice in her head the best she could, but it was like it was getting louder, and louder, and louder. To the point where her head was pounding. She squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head a bit, snapping out of her thoughts. Gerard was still staring down at her, waiting for a response.

She gave in, and let her pale cold hand slip into his. He pulled her up out of the bar stool, and they walked out of the bar with the rest of the group into the chilly October air. Annabelle clutched her thin black jacket to her small frame as they walked down the dimly lit streets. "Did you guys walk here?" Kelsey asked the guys.

"Yeah. My place isn't to far down the road" Ray said with a smile.

"I've never seen you guys at the bar before though..." Annabelle said, shivering from the cool breeze that just went by.

"We usually don't go to this bar 'cause we're usually at Gerard and Mikey's apartment. There's a tiny bar a block or two down from it, and we usually just go there" Frank chipped in. Annabelle and Kelsey nodded and kept walking with the guys.

"Your apartment is creepy as fuck, man" Kelsey said loudly. Ray chuckled and flipped the light switches on, brightening the room only a little bit.

"That didn't make much of a difference" Annabelle giggled.

"Ehh, it is what it is" Ray laughed. The girls made themselves comfortable on the black leather couch that took up majority of the small living room while the boys went into the kitchen to grab a couple beers and some food.

"You seem fond of Gee" Kelsey said smirking, turning towards Annabelle.

"Pshhh, no. Nu uh. No way." Annabelle laughed nervously. Kelsey nudged her, and Annabelle groaned, "There's just something about the guy! I can't put my finger on it! There's just something.... There. And I'm not gonna lie, it scares the shit out of me" Kelsey raised her eyebrows in a questioning way,

"it scares you? Why does he scare you?" Kelsey had now shifted on the couch completely to where she was facing Annabelle.

Annabelle stared at the wall on the opposite side of the room, "He's a dark person... I can feel it…" she mumbled.
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Second chapter, woo! Heh.
Feedback would be great(;