Demolition Lovers


NOTE: Contains explicit language. Enjoy(:


Annabelle's phone vibrated, telling her she had an incoming call. She grabbed the android phone out of her pocket and looked at the small screen, groaning in disgust. "What are you whining about?" Mikey asked her, walking back into Ray's living room with a beer, the rest of the guys following behind. "My sister's calling me" she groaned again, tilting her head back, and pinching the bridge of her nose. "I can see how that would bother you," Kelsey chuckled. Annabelle laughed, "Yeah. Anyway, I need to take this. I'll be right back." The guys nodded at her, and she made her way into Ray's tiny little kitchen to answer her phone. Just like the living room, the kitchen wasn't brightly lit. It was rather small, and some of the light bulbs above were flickering. It was sketchy, but Annabelle didn't really mind - she liked odd things.

Annabelle touched her pale finger to the screen of her phone, answering it, and put the black phone to her ear. Before she could even say hello, Elena was screaming into her ear. "Jesus fucking Christ, Elena. Calm down, I can't even understand you!" Annabelle shouted back into the phone. "Where the fuck are you, Belle!? You've been gone for a long ass fucking time, and you didn't even tell me where you went! Did you go to that damn bar again? Annabelle, I fucking swear-" Annabelle cut her sister off, "Elena! Shut the fuck up! I'm nineteen years old, I can go out whenever I want and go where ever I want. You're always on my ass about everything. What are you, my mother?" she sneered into the phone. Her anger was getting the best of her. Just hearing Elena's voice made her want to throw her fist into a wall. Elena always got under Annabelle's skin like that, even when they were just kids.

"Whatever, Annabelle. I'm sick of hearing your shit. Find somewhere else to stay for the night, 'cause you sure as hell aren't coming back here." Annabelle sighed quietly, making sure her sister wouldn't hear it, "Okay, whatever. Bye... Cunt." She pressed the end button and put her phone away.

She made her way back into the living room to see that Kelsey was missing. Annabelle raised her eyebrows and looked at the guys, who were all chatting dully in the dark. "Umm, where's Kelsey?" she asked, crossing her arms to make her feel a bit more secure. "Oh, she left. She said she had to work in the morning or something." Bob answered her. "That's right, she has work tomorrow" Annabelle said under her breath, "Umm, another question. My sister told me not to come home tonight. She doesn't want me there. Do you think that maybe, I could... Stay here?" She asked, turning towards Ray with pleading eyes. Ray's smile dropped and Annabelle's heart sank to the floor. "Mikey, Bob, and Frank are staying the night, so I don't have room for one more here. But,” He drew out the word, grinning towards Gerard and Annabelle. “Gerard is heading back to his place, you should stay there." he said, his thick lips tugged upward. Her stomach churned just at the thought of staying with Gerard. Negative thoughts swarmed through her head about the idea, but she had nowhere else to go...

"Gerard, would it be okay if I stayed with you tonight?" She asked, nervously tugging at the loose string on the sleeve of her jacket. Gerard's eyes lifted upward, to where she could barely see them under his brows. Chills slid down her spine. He looked horrifying - like a psycho path, yet she didn't change her mind. She needed somewhere to stay the night, and Gerard was her only option. He got up slowly, making her muscles tense up. He slowly made his way towards Annabelle, until their noses were only inches away. "Let's go," he said, his cool breath brushing her lips. Her cheeks turned pink and she put her head down to hide it. Gerard grabbed her hand, waved to the guys, and led her to his car.

The car ride was quiet, and Annabelle kept to herself. Gerard scared her, she couldn't lie, but she had butterflies in her stomach at the thought of staying the night with him. How could she be attracted to someone she just met though? She was definitely going insane.

Gerard kept a small smirk on his face the whole car ride. He couldn't stop thinking about having this girl alone with him for the night. He thought about all the things he could do to the innocent girl. How he could kiss her like no one has before, and touch her in places she'd never thought she'd be touched. He wanted to kiss her, taste her, feel her. He wanted her - a stranger he met, not more than about 3 hours ago.

"Your apartment is... nice" Annabelle whispered, as she made her way to the couch, and sat herself down. Gerard followed her and sat down next to her on the small couch. His hand grazed her thigh slightly as he got situated on the couch, and her breath hitched in her throat. Breathe, Annabelle, breathe. Fucking breathe!, she thought to herself. She exhaled a shaky breath and turned towards Gerard, who was staring at her intensely, with a blank expression on his face. She stared into his eyes, as he stared into hers. She felt something in the pit of her stomach, like something was off. Something definitely wasn't right about the guy, but for some reason, it just made her more attracted to him.

"I don't know that much about you, so, tell me about yourself" Gerard suddenly broke the silence, causing Annabelle to flinch. "Umm, well, my name is Annabelle Summers. I'm nineteen and live with my sister" she mumbled. "Boring." Gerard said bluntly, making Annabelle's eyes widen in shock. "W-what do you want to know then?" She stuttered. Gerard's facial expression changed to neutral, and then he smirked for a second, but it disappeared before Annabelle could catch it. "How about those scars on your wrist?" He said, quickly grasping Annabelle's tiny arm, and pulling up the sleeve of her jacket. Her eyes widened. She didn't know how he could possibly know about her cuts, she had them covered up so well. "Umm... Well, I mean...” she was rambling now. She didn't know what to tell him, "I... just, uhh, cut myself?" It came out as a question, she was so nervous.

Gerard leaned off the couch and grabbed something off the coffee table. Annabelle couldn't make out what it was, till the dim lighting of his apartment shined over it. It was a razor blade. She looked from the blade, to Gerard, to the blade, then back to Gerard, who’s smirk had returned. "Let's have some fun then, shall we?” his smile widening.
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New update. Comment with your feedback?(: