Demolition Lovers


NOTE: Introducing new characters in this chapter!


Hours later, both Annabelle and Gerard’s arms were covered in fresh cuts. Crimson liquid had seeped from the most recent ones and started slowly exiting the body, and dripping down their arms. They were both content with the new wounds that would scar their skin within the next week or two.

Annabelle wrapped up Gerard’s wounds with gauze. As her boney fingers gripped the thin gauze and wrapped it around his wrist, he just stared at her with a smile. Yes, a smile, not his usual cocky grin. This smile was genuine. Something about Annabelle made Gerard’s heart skip a beat. She was the spark to his life, and he hadn’t even known the girl for a whole day yet, but he knew it. He knew she was something special making its way into his horrifying life. He was scared for her, walking into such a situation that could hurt her. For all she knows, he could make her go insane, not out of irritation either. Literally, he could make the girl go mentally insane. If only she knew…

“Well, I think I’m going to crash on your couch, I’m tired as fuck.” Annabelle said to Gerard, finishing up his arm and putting the rest of the clean gauze back in the cupboard of his bathroom. “Alright. There are blankets on the couch. If you need me, I’ll be in my room, just knock on my door” Gerard said, hopping off the bathroom counter, and making his way to his room. Annabelle nodded at him, even though he had already walked out. She slowly made her way back to the dimly lit living room. She kicked off her boots, grabbed some blankets, and made herself comfy on the rather large leather couch.

Morning came quick, and Annabelle was awakened by plates and glasses clinking together in the kitchen. She rubbed her eyes, smearing the makeup she’d forgotten to take off. “Fuck.” she hissed, seeing the black smudges on her hands. Flopping her legs over the side of the couch, she stood up and stalked her way to the kitchen, her feet thumping against the cold hardwood floor. She immerged into the kitchen to see Gerard making food. “Morni-” she cut herself off with a yawn. Gerard turned around and grinned. Annabelle’s blonde hair was stuck up in all directions, her eye makeup had been smeared, and her eyes wouldn’t open all the way. It was an adorable sight to see, in Gerard’s opinion. “Morning, Belle.” He grinned even wider as she wiped her hand across her face, looking ridiculously adorable in the act. “Umm, what time is it?” She questioned, her eyes still slightly closed. Gerard pulled his phone out of the pocket of his hoodie, “It’s noon,” he replied. Her eyes widened with shock, “SHIT!” she yelled, running back into the living room. She grabbed her boots and pulled them on, not even bothering to tie the dirty worn out laces. “Woah there, why are you in such a hurry?” Gerard said, appearing into the living room, sipping his cup of coffee. “I need to be somewhere. Sorry, I just, ugh, I promised someone I’d come by their job today at ten. I’m two hours late! Fuck. Fuck. FUCK! Uhh, thanks for letting me stay the night, I’ll see you later, Gee!” Annabelle’s words flew out of her small mouth quickly, and she raced out the door with her bag.

~time lapse~

“Look who showed up” Ike said, her hand on her hip. Ike was a good friend of Annabelle’s. She was a sassy lil mother fucker sometimes, but Annabelle didn’t mind. If Ike could put up with how stubborn she was, she definitely could put up with how sassy and indecisive Ike was.

Annabelle leaned against one of the book shelves of Barns and Nobles, and slumped down, as Ike stood looking down at her. “I’m sorry, okay? Last night was pretty crazy, man.” She said, her head in her hands making her words muffled. Ike rolled her eyes. Another shadow slowly creeped over Annabelle, making her shift, and raise her head to see who it was. “Hey, Rain, sorry I’m late” Annabelle said apologetically. Rain gave a weak smile, signaling it wasn’t a big deal. Annabelle looked Rain up and down before speaking, “Damn, Rain! Have you gotten skinnier? Jesus Christ, man. You need like… 20 damn cheese burgers!” Ike chuckled at what had just been said and Rain just shrugged, and started organizing books on the book shelves.

“So, have you talked to Kelsey lately?” Ike wiggled her eyebrows at Annabelle. “Dude, if you want shit from her, go get it yourself. I’m not your damn servant” she chuckled, punching Ike playfully in the arm. “Ugh, fine. We’re all meeting at your place tonight anyways, I’ll ask her then” Ike said, as she started helping Rain with the books. Rain chipped in, “Kels is bringing booze, right?” she asked with a worried look. “Yes” Annabelle confirmed. Rain’s eyes twinkled and she smiled. The girl was so skinny, when she smiled, the skin was so tight on her cheeks. It looked like the flesh would snap at any second.

“When do y’all get off work?” Annabelle asked the two teens. Ike pulled out her phone, checking the time, “In about 5 hours. Wanna just chill here with us till it’s time to go back to your place? I know you have nothing better to do, so read a book or something?” she said cocking an eyebrow at Annabelle. She rolled her eyes and nodded, grabbing a random book from one of the shelves, and cracking it open.


“Fucking finally! Y’all work way to long, how can you two stand it!?” Annabelle groaned, stomping her feet childishly in the parking lot. “We can’t stand it, Belle. We need the money though.” Rain squeaked. “Yeah, how about you try getting a job, Belle.” Ike said, shoving past Annabelle and laughing. “Do I look stable enough for a god damn job!?” Annabelle shouted, stopping in her place with her arms out stretched. Ike turned around and examined her, “Hmmm… Nope. But neither is Rain, or me. We all got problems, you know.” Ike winked as she hopped in her car, with Rain jumping in the passenger seat. Annabelle rolled her eyes and got in her car. She turned the key in the ignition, and the car roared. Her stereo started playing Violence by Blink-182. She bobbed her head to the beat, and drove her car back to her apartment, with Ike and Rain following close behind.

Pulling into the parking lot of the apartment complex, she noticed Kelsey standing outside her car smoking a cigarette, looking impatient. She parked her car next to Kelsey’s, with Ike parking along side of her. She hopped out of her car, jogging over to Kelsey, who was about to take a drag from the cig between her fingers. Annabelle grabbed the cancer stick out of Kelsey’s hand, and took a long drag from it before blowing the foggy smoke into her face. Kelsey swiped at the smoke, before shoving Annabelle and grabbing back her cigarette. Annabelle laughed at Kelsey’s reaction. Ike and Rain approached the two girls fighting over that god damn cigarette. Rain chuckled, and Ike just smirked. They knew how close Kelsey and Annabelle were, and thought it was funny how childish they acted sometimes.

“Gimme, gimme, gimme!” Annabelle whined, reaching for Kelsey’s cigarette. “Ugh, fine. Take the damn cig. I’ll light a new one, ya bitch” Kelsey groaned, handing the cigarette to the now cheerful Annabelle, and pulling out another. Annabelle put the stick between her lips, taking a drag, and letting it dangle from her chapped lips.

“Dude, is Elena home?” Rain asked, pulling at the rubber band that was around her wrist. It was a stress relief kind of thing for Rain. She always had a rubber band around her wrist. She would continue to pull it back and let it slap the tiny wrist of hers repeatedly till the band snapped.

“Naw, she’s working tonight,” Annabelle said, murmuring her words since the cigarette was still between her lips. She took her last drag, and threw her cigarette to the ground, putting it out with her dirty boot. “let’s go inside, guys.” Kelsey, Ike, and Rain followed Annabelle up the sketchy concrete stairs to her apartment. She unlocked the door and threw it open, letting the door slam into the wall with a loud bang. “Jesus Christ, Belle.” Ike yelled, startled from the loud bang. Annabelle chuckled and entered her darkly lit apartment and plopping herself onto the couch. The rest of the girls followed in suit.

“Kelsey, I’ve been begging for weeks, do you have it or not?” Ike whined, grabbing onto Kelsey’s arm. Kelsey shoved her off and chuckled, “Yeah, I have it, you impatient child.” She dug her hand into her handbag, pulling out a plastic bag and pouring its contents onto the table. “FINALLY!” Ike screamed, throwing her hands up into the air like a mad man, which, she actually was. “Rain, go grab the whiskey off the counter in the kitchen.” Kelsey demanded. Rain followed the order and went and grabbed the rather large bottle of Jack Daniels off the kitchen counter, and opening it, “time to get this night started.” Rain winked.

Ike and Annabelle put their noses down to the coffee table, and snorted the white powder that was lined up perfectly. Annabelle drooped her head backwards, taking in the feeling that the drug was giving her, and Ike did the same. “Hand me the Jack!” Annabelle yelled, pulling her head forward to look at Rain and Kelsey. While Annabelle and Ike were snorting lines of the cocaine Kelsey had brought, Rain and Kelsey were drinking themselves silly. Kelsey tossed the bottle to Annabelle. She took a large swig of the whiskey, causing a strong burning sensation in her throat. She smiled and handed the bottle to Ike to do the same.

As the night went on, the Jack was passed around the group, and more lines of coke were disappearing off that black coffee table. The door being thrown open startled all four of the girls. They cocked their heads to see who it was. Annabelle’s heart would’ve sank to the floor if she was sober, but being as fucked up as she obviously was, she could care less. “What in the fuck are you doing!?” Elena screamed, stomping over towards Annabelle, grabbing her by the shirt, and pulling her up off the couch. Annabelle’s eyes closed slightly, and she busted out into laughter. This made Elena absolutely furious. Her eyes squinted and her eyebrows pulled together. “What’s wrong Elena? We’re just having fun!” Annabelle giggled. “Having fun? HAVING FUN!? How is this having fun!? You could kill yourself!” Elena screamed in Annabelle’s face, making Annabelle a tad bit uncomfortable. “Isn’t that what you always wanted though?” She continued to giggle.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, I worked pretty hard on this chapter, and I hope y'all enjoyed it.
More Gerard and the rest of the guys will be in the next chapter.
Comment for updates? :3

Also, a big thank you to my beta for this chapter, LiarsDontMix! <3