Demolition Lovers

Kicked out

“Okay, okay, stop pushing me!” Annabelle yelled as Elena shoved her out of the apartment door, throwing Annabelle’s belongings at her and slamming the door. Annabelle sighed and picked up the black duffel bag, and made her way down the concrete steps.

It’d only been about 6 hours since Elena had walked in on Annabelle and her friends getting totally shit faced in the living room. Elena couldn’t take it, she was furious, absolutely livid - she couldn’t handle Annabelle’s nonsense anymore, so she kicked her out. Of course, Annabelle had no say in this, no, definitely not, that’s not how Elena runs things in that family.

Annabelle pulled the strap of her duffle bag onto her shoulder, and made her way down the concrete stairs into the gloomy weather. It wasn’t raining hard, just sprinkling - a drop or two landing on her face every now and then.

As she made it into the parking lot, she dropped the bag, and plopped herself down on the damp curb, and pulled out her cell phone. She had no where to stay, and she hoped someone would take her in for a couple weeks.

Rings came through the ear piece of the phone, as Annabelle waited for Kelsey to pick up her cell. “Ello!” a cheery voice rang through the phone. “Hey, Kels, it’s Belle.” she said emotionlessly. “Hey, Belle. What’s up?” her cheery friend questioned. “So, after all of y’all b-lined your asses out of the apartment when Elena got home, she lectured me, and decided to kick me out.” Annabelle started with irritation in her voice, “So, I have no where to stay…” She led on hoping Kelsey would pick up her drift. There was a small pause between the two, before Kelsey broke the silence, “I’m so sorry, Belle, but you know I don’t have much room here in my shit hole of an apartment. I’m so sorry, babe.” her voice was full of sympathy. “It’s alright. I’ll find somewhere else to stay, no worries” Annabelle replied, running her hand through her slightly damp hair, “I’ll talk to you later, alright?” “Alright, babe. Keep me updated. Bye!” Kelsey responded quickly, and Annabelle ended the call, mentally face palming herself.

After calling Ike, Rain, and Elliot, she was still homeless at this point. She only had one person left, and she dreaded calling that son of a bitch. She didn’t want to call him, she really didn’t, but who else could she turn to? She had no one else. She took in a deep breath before pressing the name of the man she loathed on her android phone.

“Hello?” a deep husky voice came through the phone. “Uh, yeah, hi, Gerard. It’s Annabelle.” she mumbled a bit. “Yeah, what’s up?” he said, his tone changing a bit. She could almost see the smirk on that boy’s face. “Uhh, well, here’s the thing…” she told him about how Elena had kicked her out after her little get together last night with the girls. He chuckled a few times during her slightly long story about the lectures and so on.

“So, I need a place to stay…” she led on, hoping he would pick up what she was getting at. “Yeah, you can stay here. I’ll come pick you up, what’s your address?” she gave a sigh of relief and gave him her information.


“Thanks again, Gerard. I seriously had no one else to turn to” she said as they walked into the dimly lit apartment. He just shrugged, walking straight for the couch and collapsing onto it. “Why are you so tired?” she chuckled. He was silent for a moment before responding, “I didn’t sleep last night” he mumbled into the couch cushion. She quirked an eyebrow at him, even though she knew he couldn’t see it. She decided to not question him any further.

“So, where’s the booze?” she chuckled. Gerard lifted himself up from the couch slightly and looked at her, almost glaring. “What is with you and drinking?” he questioned, irritation in his voice. Her eyes widened, a bit taken back by his question. “I like drinking, it helps me cope. Why should it matter?” she shot back, crossing her arms. “Just drink some god damn water, Belle. If you need a drink that badly, go to the bar down the street, ‘cause I’m out of alcohol.” he said before placing his head back onto the couch cushion. Annabelle just stared at him, her eyebrows pulled together in confusion. After about a moment of silence, she could hear his faint snores, and she knew he had fallen asleep. She decided to take a nap herself, since Elena didn’t let her get any sleep last night. She dragged her bag behind her and into the narrow hallway of the apartment. Since there was no guest room, she decided to take Gerard’s bed, as he was asleep on the couch. She dropped her bag on the ground next to the queen size bed. Lay on the bed was a giant black comforter and blood red pillows. She slowly stripped to her underwear, since that was what she usually slept in, and crawled under the soft black comforter. She closed her eyes, and tried to shoo away all the crazy thoughts running through her head. Soon enough, she feel asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
So sorry I haven't been updating! I just haven't been inspired.
But here's a short chapter for y'all. Hope you enjoy it.
Sorry it's not the best, but hey, it's something!

Thanks to decimate the stars., jaymahree, and Vintage Arsenic for commenting.

Don't be a silent reader, please comment. c;