Status: Next chapter may be up by the end of the week.


Two twin girls wind up in a horrible car crash when a drunk driver slams into them. When they awake they find themselves in a completely different world, with no memory of their previous one. Through many twists and turns, they find out that what you see isn’t always reality, but it can help them find their true loves.

This is co-written by me and my friend, TheOneWingedAngel, we will try to upload as much as we can. Please comment whenever you can. If we don’t get at least one comment but the time we have three chapters up we may decide to just stop...I hate to try to blackmail you, but it’s nice to hear feedback on what we’re writing. Thank you and enjoy the story.

Layout/Picture made by TheOneWingedAngel.
  1. Prologue
  2. Chapter 1
  3. Chapter 2
    We find out who attacked Mayumi and Hoshimi falls into some bad luck herself.