Status: Next chapter may be up by the end of the week.


Chapter 2

Mayumi jumped out of the way, but was too slow. A gash appeared on her leg that started to spray the retched crimson liquid. She held one hand to her mouth to keep her from screaming and the other on her leg to slow the bleeding. Her eyes darted to the direction the shark came from. This was the land, though. There’s no way a shark could have attacked her here.
“Looks like I just got them,” the rough voice laughed slightly. “I won’t miss this time.”
“Kisame,” a deep, calm voice worded, “Don’t attack yet. You didn’t think this through. For all you know it could have been a stronger opponent. You shouldn’t be so careless.”
“Well, should we go see who it is, then?” the so called Kisame responded.
Mayumi held her breath. She wouldn’t stand a chance of being a stronger opponent. Sure, figuratively she knew how to disconnect bones from sockets, collapse a foot arch and kill a person multiple ways with her bare hands, but that was just figuratively! She didn’t actually know if it would work. It’s like the string theory, it’s just a theory and isn’t solid fact, yet. Mayumi knew she had to escape, but how could she when her leg was bleeding and not showing any signs of stopping? It would just leave a trail of blood, no matter where she went. Looking down, she saw the bandages around her waist and quickly unwrapped it. Then, the bandages were tightly tied around her leg; that seemed to have at least stopped the bleeding or slowed it down drastically.
Footsteps were heard coming her way; they were obviously not trying to be quiet. Using a nearby tree for support, she slowly stood up. Her eyes cringed in pain as she put weight on her leg, but she had to ignore it or she might end up dead. Sneaking away as quietly as possible, she hid behind the tree, not being able to get that far until they came out of the brushes.
“They’re behind that tree,” a man stated in a monotone voice.
“Shall I slice them to ribbons, Itachi?” Kisame asked.
“No, we might as well see who it is first. You might as well come out. There’s no use in hiding from us. We already know your location, and by the looks of it you can’t run,” Itachi nodded over the blood splatter.
Mayumi had a mental war with herself, either way she’d probably end up dead. Why didn’t she have common sense and just ask a nurse? She didn’t need to go off into a forest and die. Taking a deep breath, she slowly came out from her hiding place, using the tree as support.
“Go ahead…” She looked down at the ground. “Kill me.”
“Gladly,” the man that resembled the appearance of a shark lifted his sword in the air, but was stopped by one hand.
Itachi gave a menacing glare towards the blue skinned one and looked over at Mayumi, “What are you doing out here, Mayumi?”
Her head bolted up towards Itachi, “How do you know my name?”
The man’s face held no emotion as she asked this very one question, though millions of thoughts ran through his head. He kept asking himself how she didn’t remember him. They’ve known each other for years; they went to the same grade school for crying out loud. Did he just not stand out enough? Did she forget everything in this world? Or did she hate him? The later would tear him apart on the inside, but he chose to ignore it, for now.
“You were in the hospital,” Itachi continued. He didn’t want to answer he didn’t want question, yet.
Kisame glanced over at his partner, slightly confused, “Is this the thing you were looking for, Itachi?”
“Be quiet, Kisame,” Itachi glared over once more. “What are you doing out of the hospital, Mayumi?”
Mayumi laughed nervously, “Yeah…I snuck out…” She then looked up at them. “Now answer my question, how did you know my name and how did you know that I was in the hospital?”
“That’s not your concern.”
Mayumi blinked, confused. How was this not her concern? It was dealing with information about her. Was he the one responsible for this? Is he the one that put her and her sister in the hospital? The thought made her hands form into a tight fist. If her thoughts were true, this man would pay.
“Then are you the one responsible for putting my sister and I in the hospital?” Her voice dripped with a vile venom.
“Then who?” She looked at him, but he showed no sign of saying anything, “Tell me!”
“A drunk,” Itachi then walked over to the girl, so he could see her better. His vision was bad in this world, too, and it was only declining. It would eventually get to the point to where he was blind.
Knowing that if Mayumi ran she would end up getting even more hurt, she stood still. “What did he do to us?”
“I can’t tell you.”
“Why not?”
“Because that would go against the flow of everything.”
“What flow?”
“I can’t tell you.”
Mayumi huffed some hair out of her face in annoyance, “Whatever.” She tried to walk, but stumbled and winced from pain. She looked down at her leg and saw blood going through the bandages. “Damn…” She whispered, not wanting to show that much emotion in front of two strangers.
“You should go back to the hospital, you’re lucky that’s all the damage done,” Itachi watched her.
“Oh yes, in my condition I can just skip right one over,” Mayumi rolled her eyes, sarcasm dripping in her every last letter.
With a sigh Itachi bent down to her leg and unwrapped the bandages. He blinked for a moment, “You have some medical experience.”
“Well yeah,” Mayumi nodded. “I’ve always been interested in the human body, just never wanted to be a doctor.”
“I see…” Itachi then re-bandaged Mayumi’s leg, the way it was already bandaged. He then walked over a tree and sliced off a branch with a kunai he was hiding on him. He handed the branch to her and then stated, “Use this to get your way to the hospital. Say you were abducted and attacked. You’ll stay out of trouble.”
“They’ll ask who it was,” Mayumi sighed.
“Just say two men in cloaks with red clouds attacked you.”


“I can’t believe that idiot!” An outraged Hoshimi yelled at the seemingly nothing. She marched through the streets of Konoha, earning odd looks from people. She ignored them, somewhat used to having people stare oddly at her and her sister. “When I find her she is so dead!”
However, Hoshimi stopped dead in her tracks. She couldn’t shake off a feeling. Turning around, she looked behind her. There was someone following her, or at least that’s what her gut told her. She bit her lip and shook her head, not wanting to deal with it as of now. Heading back on her path she set off, the forest seemed like a valid place. Though, her hunch was right about someone following her. A shadow continued to follow in her footsteps.
As she reached the edge of the forest, Hoshimi looked back at the village, wondering if she should really go in there. However, she froze when she heard rummaging in the vegetation. Holding her breath, her eyes slowly moved to the source of the noise. A figure – no – two figures emerged from the brush. One was severely bleeding, the other was –.
“Naruto?” Hoshimi questioned, remembering her previous encounter with him.
The blue eyed ninja looked up and blinked a couple of times, “You better believe it!” He shouted.
Slightly taken back by his enthusiasm, Hoshimi hesitated for a moment or two. Then she looked at the figure that was slung around his shoulder. Her mouth went dry, her eyes widened, “Mayumi!” She shouted and ran after her. “What the hell happened to her!?”
“I’m not sure,” Naruto looked over at the unconscious girl, “It looks like she was attacked, though.”
“No duh!” Hoshimi retorted at the obvious comment. “We have to stop the bleeding!”
Naruto twitched slightly, an unusual characteristic for him to get irritated easily, “Her leg’s already bandaged. We have to get her to the hospital.”
Hoshimi looked up at him, “You’re right! Let’s go!” She tugged on him and Mayumi at the same time.
Sighing in agitation, Naruto eventually followed, but looked back into the forest as he heard a twig snap. Knowing who it was, he ignored it, but mentally cussed at them for being loud. Luckily, Hoshimi didn’t seem to notice. That could have been problematic.
It didn’t take too long for the two to get back to the hospital. Naruto knew where he was going and he was the one carrying Mayumi, which made it all the more faster. Once the three made it there, Naruto placed Mayumi on the bed while Hoshimi kept on asking the doctors if she was going to be alright.
“What attacked her!?” Hoshimi shouted at the pink haired ninja.
“I don’t know…It looks like it was inflicted by a jutsu, though…Strange,” Sakura turned to Naruto. “Do you know what attacked her?”
“No…” Naruto shook her head and watched as Sakura healed the wound
“We have to find out, though!” Hoshimi stomped her foot, determined to avenge her sister. “I want to punch them in the face!”
Sakura sighed, “We’ll ask her when she wakes up who attacked her.” She then turned to Hoshimi, “But you have to be careful. You never know who attacked her. For all we know they could be S-rank criminals.”
“S-ranked?” Hoshimi tilted her head confused. “What does that mean?”
“It means that these criminals are extremely dangerous and can kill some of the most powerful ninja in our village,” Sakura paused on her healing and looked up at Hoshimi, “How do you not know any of this?”
Hoshimi paused. How was she supposed to react to a question like this? S-ranked? Jutsus? Ninjas? Yeah, that stuff didn’t exist where she came from. Speaking of which, where did she come from? She froze. She had absolutely no idea. What could she remember? Her sister. Her sister’s name s Mayumi and her name was Hoshimi. Both of her parents were dead. That’s it. That’s all she could remember.
“I,” Hoshimi then shouted, “I have to go now!” She ran out the door and shouted behind her, “I’ll be back later!”
Running out she bumped into a blond, with blue eyes and whiskers, “Sorry!” he shouted at her, but Hoshimi paid no attention. She kept on running. She made it out of the hospital and onto the streets.
Her legs carried her to what appeared to be a school. A single swing was strung onto a branch of a tree. She looked around and decided it’d be find if she sat on it, after all no one else was around. Her mind searched for answers. Her hands opened in closed in fists as she kept on trying to remember. Anything. Anything would be sufficient, just as long as it gave a hint about her past. Her parents were found dead next to her as she woke up. Her surroundings. What did they look like? She couldn’t remember. Only the fact that her parents were dead. What did the officials say about their deaths? One of murder, the other was most likely suicide. Then why were her and her sister still alive after that? She couldn’t remember.
Timed passed by. Hoshimi felt a cold breeze flutter pat her. She looked up at the sky, it was already dark. Slowly, she stood up and started to make her way back to the hospital. However, her memory failed her. She had no idea where she was. A group of men, of who appeared to be drunk, were heading in her direction. Hoping to avoid them, Hoshimi turned down a street quickly and waited until they passed. They didn’t pass.
“Hey, look at this,” A man, whose words were slurring together walked down the street. “It’s a girl.”
Another man walked up and grinned sadistically, “What do you think we should do with her?”
Hoshimi started to walk away, hoping that they would forget about her if she just left, but they didn’t. Another man, besides the two, grabbed her arm and pulled her towards him, “I think you all know what we should do with her…”
“Let go of me,” Hoshimi stated calmly, but was freaking out on the inside. “Please.”
One of the men laughed, “Please? Please let go of me?” he mocked. “I don’t think so, babe.
Hoshimi knew this was going to end terribly. She struggled, kicked and even tried to bite, but the grip of the one man was too strong. The other two also held on to her. She screamed bloody murder, hoping on the slim chance that someone would hear her.
“Be quiet!” One of the men slapped her across the face, of which caused her to yelp in pain. “I said be quiet!” He raised a fist in the air, ready to punch. But a grip on the wrist stopped him.
“If I were you I wouldn’t hit her again, do I make myself clear?” A mysterious voice sounded.
The sleezey man turned around to view the person who was holding on to his arm, “Eh? What kind of freak are you? I can’t seven see your face. Are you just that ugly? Come on let go. I just want to have my way with her.”
With a quick and smooth motion a crack sounded. It took a few seconds for everything to process, but the silence was broken by a scream of the man. The hooded savior carelessly threw the screaming man to the side, who was holding his arm in agony. Taking a few steps forwards the hooded man then glared menacingly through his sun glasses at the other men.
“Do I need to make myself clear with you two?”
“N-No!” One of them shouted as they both ran off, causing Hoshimi to fall to the ground in a state of shock.
“Are you alright?” The hero questioned as he knelt down to the girl. He lifted a glove up to her now bruising cheek. She flinched, though, not trusting him. “It’s okay, I won’t hurt you. You’re Hoshimi, right?” He asked, though he already knew the answer.
Hoshimi nodded, “Y-yeah…” Her eye started to tear up, but she refused to let them fall. “Who are you?”
“Shino, Shino Aburame.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Word Count: 2453
I wrote the entire thing, so let me know if you like the voice in it and what I can improve on. I hope you like it. Thank you.