The Haunted School House

The SchoolHouse

A car stopped in front of a school and Kai and Kisa stepped out.

“You girls have a good day okay,” their mom smiled warmly.

“Alright, we love you mom,” they said as she drove off and Kai turned to Kisa and turned her around.

She opened her backpack and saw Bailey look up at her with loving eyes.


“Kisa, why’d you take Bailey to school?” Kai picked up Bailey and started to pet her.

“I don’t know… I’m just scared,” she looked at the ground.

Kai sighed and continued to pet Bailey until she jumped out of her arms and ran off.

“Oh shit! Bailey!” Kai and Kisa ran off following their cat not knowing where she was going.

They chased after her until she went into the schoolhouse.

“Dammit Bailey,” Kai said in a frustrated voice, “C’mon Kisa, let’s go look for her.”

“But,” Kisa pulled her sister back, “That’s the old schoolhouse. I don’t wanna go in there. It looks scary.”

Kai looked at her sister with a glare, “Hey it’s just a building. And besides, it’s your fault this all happened. If you hadn’t brought Bailey this wouldn’t have happened.”

She took Kisa’s hand and both girls walked up to the abandoned building. Kai reached out to open the door until it flew open. Kisa made a noise and went in back of Kai.

“I-It was just the wind,” Kai stuttered.

Kisa looked at her and gulped but Kai gave her a reassuring smile and kept walking. Once they entered they looked around and took in there surroundings.

“Okay, now where is Bailey?” Kai scanned the room and sighed, “Well I-”

Someone screaming behind them interrupted her and both girls screamed and fell to the floor facing whoever scared them. She saw two boys, one was the short one she saw yesterday and the other one was a different guy with blonde hair and a lip ring. Kai glared at them both as they laughed.

“I’m sorry… He talked me into it,” the blonde one pointed to the short one.

They kept laughing for a couple of seconds until three other guys walked up behind them and gave them strange looks. Kai recognized two of the guys but looked upon a tall guy with frizzy hair. Both girls stood up and wiped themselves off, Kai still glaring at them.

“What the hell do you guys want?” Kai spat.

“We were going to ask you the same thing. Don’t you know this place is haunted?” The short one gave a smile.

“Whatever, why would we listen to you.”

“Fine then, don’t believe me… But don’t come crying when something happens to you.”

Kisa gave a little cry a wrapped her arms around her sister. The guy with the black hair walked up and punched his arm and looked at the girls.

“Just ignore him, it’s only a legend. Anyway, I’m your neighbor Gerard Way and these are my friends Bob Bryar, Ray Toro, my little brother Mikey, and Frank Iero,” he pointed them out each by name.

“Hi, it’s nice to meet you, I’m Kai and this is my little sister Kisa,” Kisa smiled shyly and looked at the ground.

“So, what are you guys doing here?” Ray asked.

“Are cat Bailey ran in here,” Kisa said sounding a little worried.

“Well, we’ll help you guys,” Gerard said and the guys, except Frank, nodded.

“HELL no. I don’t want to be in here,” Frank put his hands up in protest and the guys glared at him.

“Chicken shit,” Bob said and kind of giggled.

“I’m not scared! I just don’t wanna be in here,” he glared at Bob.

“Sure,” he said sarcastically.

“Well at le-” he was interrupted by a soft voice in back of him.

“Wait, could you guys help me?”

Everyone looked at a black haired beauty standing by the door smiling. Frank rushed to her side and put his arms around his shoulders.

“What do you need help with?” he asked while gently pushing her forward.

“Oh, I need help finding my hat. A gust of wind blew it off and carried it in here,” she said sweetly.

“Really? We’ll help you find it! Right guys?”

They nodded and Kai looked at him, “Wait, you’ll help her find her hat but you won’t help us find our cat?!” (A.N- hey, that rhymed! XD)

“Ignore her, anyway, what’s your name?” Frank asked.

“Casey, and yours?” she replied with a smile.

“Frank, and these are my friends Bob, Gerard, Ray, Mikey, Kisa, and Kai,” she smiled at them and waved as well.

“It’s nice to meet you guys.”

They nodded at her and Frank started walking ahead.

“So let’s get going!”

Everyone in the room looked at each other and walked after him. They walked down a dark hallway looking around for any sign of a cat or a hat.


“What in the hell? Who did this?” a man in a janitor’s uniform walked up to the door of the building and examined the lock, which had fallen on the floor. He sighed and wrapped the lock around and locked it.

“There, that should do it,” he walked off whistling a happy tune.

*Back Inside*

“Wow,” Casey said while looking around the place, “This place is defiantly haunted… Tell me… DoyoubelievethatJesusChristisyoursavior?”

Bob looked at her, “What?”

“I guess so,” Ray looked at his feet.

“Well, since I’ve been saved I’ve had the Gift,” she looked suspiciously around the room.

Kai and Gerard looked at her and said in union, “What gift?”

“The gift to sense evil in a place, in fact, I can sense some evil right now, right around the corner.”

As they turned the corner they screamed as they saw something standing there in the hallway. Mikey wrapped his arms around Gerard and Frank, as well, grabbed Bob.

“Wait, isn’t that the statue of Thomas Jefferson?” Kai asked and raised an eyebrow.

They studied the statue and saw he was wearing a hat.

“Yeah, and he looks really cute in my hat,” Casey cocked her head.

Frank let go of Bob and glared at him, “God damn you Bob!” he hit him, “It was your damn screaming that scared me… Ass.”

Bob just looked at him with a confused look and scratched his head. All of them walked forward a couple of steps and stared at the statue.

Mikey looked at his brother, “What’s this thing doing in here?”

“Maybe they put it in here for storage,” Kisa said logically.

“Maybe,” Gerard walked forward and grabbed the hat quickly.

He sighed but jumped when the statue opened its eyes and gave him a smile. Everybody’s eyes widened and their mouths fell open. They screamed and everyone ran down a staircase leading into the basement.

“What… the hell…was that thing?” Bob said while putting his hand on his heart trying to calm himself.

“This place really is haunted,” Ray slowly sat on a step.

Gerard handed the hat to Casey who smiled, “Thank you.”

He nodded, still trying to catch his breath.

Frank jumped up and faced them, “Okay, now can we go?”

“No, we still have to find our cat,” Kai said as-a-matter-of-factly.

“Who cares about your stupid cat, it’s probably dead already,” Frank turned away.

“No!” Kisa grabbed onto Kai.

“Don’t say that! Bailey is a very special cat! She just showed up the day our dad died,” she looked at the ground.

Frank looked down, regretting what he said.

“So, do you feel bad now? Now do you see why-”

“Bailey!” Kisa jumped up and ran to Bailey who was in a corner.

Everyone followed but stopped when the cat hissed and ran off.

“Bailey! Come back!” Kai called after her but she just kept running, “Damn it.”

Gerard put his hand on her shoulder and looked at the guys giving them a sign to keep moving. They walked down the dark basement and saw the bathrooms.

“Do you think she could of gone in here?” Kai motioned to the bathroom.

“She could be,” Casey replied.

They walked into the bathroom, which was ironically, the girl’s room, so Bob and Frank stayed outside.

Kai stuck her head out of the door, “What are you guys doing out here?”

“Ugh, hello. It’s the girl’s restroom,” Frank said matter-of-factly.

“Yeah, and I don’t have to go,” Bob gave a smile.

She walked out behind them and pushed them inside, “Stop being babies.”

“Well, she’s not in here,” Ray sat on one of the sinks.

Kai sighed and leaned on the wall while Casey stood by a closed stall looking at it closely.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Frank asked a bit concerned.

“In the name of-”

Mikey interrupted her, “What are you doing?”

“Bringing the spirit out,” she turned her attention back to the door, “In the name of Jesus, open this door.”

The door flew open and she stared at it with wide eyes, “Wow, it worked.”

“Holy shit, “Gerard walked closer to the door and poked it, “That was weird.”

Frank backed up slowly, hoping to escape until he felt a bit of hair touch his forehead. He looked up and saw a girl with short gray hair and pale eyes in a yellow dress staring down at him. His eyes widened and stared up at her.

“What do you need?” she fell off the ceiling and disappeared.

He screamed and ran out of the room only to be greeted by a dead man on a motorcycle coming right to him with a hammer. Frank fell to the floor before he could hit him and the guy disappeared into an invisible wall. He breathed in deeply and that’s when everyone ran out.

“Frank, are you okay,” Gerard rushed to his side.

He shook his head and stood up slowly, “I saw a dead girl and a guy on a motorcycle that tried to kill me.”

Gerard rubbed his back, “Let’s find the cat and get the hell outta here.”

Everyone nodded and continued walking until a shrill scream filled the air and they looked behind them to see a dark mist flying with a knife coming straight for them.

“OH HELL NO!!!” They all screamed and ran away as fast as they could with the thing chasing after them.

“WHAT THE HELL DO WE DO!!!?” Kai shouted asking no one in particular.

“KEEP RUNNING!!!!” Bob yelled back and they continued until Kisa tripped over a fallen broomstick.

Kai tripped after her and then Gerard who tried to catch her and then followed the others. The thing caught up and everyone shut their eyes waiting for their fate. The ghost just passed over them and turned the corner. They looked up and stayed lying down.

“Is everyone okay… Mikey?” Gerard gasped.

“We’re all fine… I just wish Frank’s fat ass wasn’t so heavy,” Mikey said.

“Shut-up Mikey,” Frank hit him over the head.

They got up slowly and saw a cat running toward them.

“Bailey,” Kisa let out a relived sigh.

She picked up the cat and smiled at her sister.

“Good, we can go now!” Frank smiled happily.

They walked back up to the entrance of the building and tried to open the door only to see it was locked.

“Don’t tell me!” Ray cried and fell to the floor.

“How is it locked? It was open before!” Frank fell to the floor alongside Ray.

“Calm down… There’s gotta be another way,” Gerard ran his hand through his short blonde hair out of stress.”

“Kai, how are we gonna get out?” Kisa looked up at her sister with worried eyes.

Kai just looked at her sister with worried eyes and turned away. What could she say? She was now sure that they would die.

“Don’t worry, the Lord God will take care of us,” Casey said putting her hand around her cross necklace.

They looked at her and looked at the ground, jumping when a hysterical laughter filled the room. They looked around and then right in the middle of floated a small troll like beast.

“Hi!” he winked and waved.

“What the hell is that thing?” Mikey cocked an eyebrow.

“Obviously a demon straight from the pits of Hell,” Casey grabbed Kisa closer to her.

The little ‘demon’ floated closer to Kai and gave her a smile, “Hey Kai, let’s be friends.”

She raised an eyebrow, “With you? You must be kidding me. Why don’t you do us favor and open the door.”

She walked towards the door and a blue aura surrounded a cabinet and it tipped over almost hitting her until Gerard grabbed her.

“What the hell was that for!?” she gave him a glare.

The demon was the size of a human, “C’mon Kai, let’s be friends.”

“No persons that lonely,” she crossed her arms.

Blue aura surrounded him and he grew bigger and his voice grew deeper, “Fine, I don’t want to be your friend anyway.”

They looked up in horror at the growing monster and Kisa gave a little whimper.

“Kisa, don’t be scared,” Kai turned to her.

As soon as the monster was done he gave them an evil smile and that’s when they ran.

“I SAID NOT TO PANIC!!!!” Kai screamed.

“YEAH? LIKE WE’D EVER LISTEN TO YOU!!!!” Frank screamed back.

They saw an open classroom and ran inside.

“Hurry, close the door.”

They sat below the door and he looked in, looking for any movement. When the giant passed they all gave a relieved sigh.

“That was close,” Casey gasped.

Kisa nodded and laid limply on the door.

Bailey meowed and walked over to a fallen picture and began to lick it.

“What is it Bailey?” Kisa asked gently.

Kai walked over to where Bailey was and picked up a picture with a guy on it and a journal fell out.

“What the hell is that?” Gerard looked it up and down.

Kai shook her head, “I don’t know.”

She opened the book and began to read. She flipped the page and saw the same monster that was looking for them.

“Holy shit,” was all Ray said as he saw the picture.

Kai’s head jerked up, “Hey! It says how to get rid of him!”

“How?” Bob got closer.

“It says to draw a big circle around us and draw this symbol,” she pointed to the symbol in the book, “on a piece of paper and burn it while saying the chant ‘Evil spirit go to sleep’ over and over again.”

“Oh it sounds like a ritual,” Casey said worried.

“Okay, who has a pen and a pencil?” Frank looked around at everyone.

Kisa took off her backpack and took out what they needed.

Frank took them and Gerard handed him matches.

“Oh what do we draw the circle with?” Ray ran his fingers through his hair.

Mikey ran over to the desk and went through it finding a small piece of chalk.

He threw it over to Frank, “We can use this.”

They all got the stuff ready and jumped when they heard a deep voice.

“Found you!”

He broke the door and everyone got into the circle. Gerard crumpled the paper and through it to the ground while Casey bent down and started to strike the match.

“God forgive me for doing this satanic ritual,” she begged as the match lit and she through it onto the paper.

They stood together closer and said the chant, “Evil spirit go to sleep, evil spirit go to sleep…”

They repeated the chant until the demon started to disappear and was finally gone. All of them sighed a tired sigh and sank to the floor.

“Thank the Heavens,” Casey gave a small smile.

“Never again,” Gerard laid on the floor.

“Can we go now?” Frank asked.

The girls nodded and Kisa picked up Bailey and they went to the entrance of the school.

“Dammit, how the hell do we leave?” Kai cried.

Bob was about to hit the door out of frustration but then it opened by itself again.

“That will never get old,” Frank sighed and all of them walked out.

“Hey, where did that demon go anyway?” Ray turned to Kai with questioning eyes.

She opened the book again and before she said anything the bell rang.

“Oh shit! The bell!” Gerard as well as everybody else started to run but Bob stopped and stared at his wrist with wide eyes.

Mikey stopped and looked at his friend with concern, “Bob, what’s wrong?”

Everybody else stopped and looked at Bob.

“I-It’s already 3 o’ clock,” he stuttered and everyone ran to him.

“But that’s impossible! We were only in there for thirty minutes!” Casey looked in disbelief.

“That’s not what my watch says,” he showed her his watch.

“Crap, we missed the first day of school!” Kai looked at Kisa, “That’s just great.”

“But how?” Ray asked.

All of them just looked at each other and Frank said something, “Well, I read before that sometimes places with lot’s of spirits can mess up time because of all there energy, maybe that’s what happened.”

“Well at this point, I’ll believe anything…. Anyway, where did that demon go?” Ray asked again.

“It said in the journal that all the spirits that were put to sleep went to the oak tree in back of the school,” Kai looked down at the journal in her hands.

“Wait, did you say the oak tree?” Gerard panicked.

“Yeah, why?” she gave him a confused look.

“That tree was cut down a couple of days ago,” Gerard’s eyes widened.


“OH! I AM MORE THEN PISSED OFF!!!” everyone looked around them in horror but then looked down in Kisa’s arms, “How dare you kids do this to me, Lord Gamel. You just wait till I get my-”

He stopped and stared at his hands that were now paws, “What the hell did you kids do to me?!”

They stared at Bailey who was now possessed and squirming in Kisa’s arms.

“Our, cat,” Kai looked down at it plainly.

Gamel jumped out of Kisa’s arms and looked up at them, “You kids just wait… When I regain my true form I will kill you all.”

He walked away and looked at the sun, his shadow looking like his true form.