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Lies on Paper

Chapter 1: The Main Charater

Somewhere far away on the other side of town was a brilliant teenage girl she was apparently well let's say unique to most of her grade not that she took the time to blend in. The girl's personality was full of contradictions and similarities. For example she was brave and yet she was timid. It's hard for me to explain where the story would begin but I guess that it begins right here on a peaceful morning. With a girl named Cassidy.

“I can’t believe this” I sighed stuffing my papers away “Cassidy! Let’s go!” some people called to me, most people didn’t pay much attention to me. Only when I was the last one left. “Yeah, um, in a second” I tried to smile as everyone disappeared. “Cassidy, please stay.” my teacher sighed looking glumly at some sort of paper. Slowly making her way around the room. “I have to get on the bus." I mumbled. “Just a moment.” she sighed handing me a paper. “I have to go.” I shouted running out without waiting for an explanation.

Immediately, the moment I got out there the buses where all gone. A police car pulling up a girl with orange hair stepping out of the back. “Excuse me! Did the buses leave or am I just early?” I asked as the red head in the black dress shook her head no, a purple cat in her hands. “What a weird cat” I thought to myself as I looked down it’s paws over her arm, tail in her face yellow eyes starring up at me. “She’s cute where’d you get her?” I asked. “In the street, she was eating candy.” she said as the cat laughed, purring loudly. “Well anyway I’ve got to go...” I sighed running towards the town, maybe my new home was truly close enough to walk. “Do you think she looks like me?” a second voice asked “No you're a cat, a purple cat” I knew the red-head’s voice. “Here we are” I sighed my feet trudging and the sidewalk creaking as I pulled out the yellow paper. “I wonder what it says” I mumbled opening it.

“Here is a project for you that mean the difference between passing and failing this year.”

I looked down at the paper in horror; I was so sure I’d passed everything. As the wind stole the paper from my hands. “Oh no!” I shouted stumbling after my book bag falling on the ground mumbled begin blown threw the air.

“Hung...” the cut-off noise whispered till I stopped paying attention. “This sucks” I sighed as it blew back behind me I must’ve looked like an idiot in a dark alley. As I spun around my nose crashing into something metal, I fell to the ground my uniform changing from blue to brown.

“Ow” I screeched bringing my hand to my face. I looked up to see what I had crashed into a brown haired boy with purple eyes and a blue tint in them. “I’m so sorry” I whispered looking at him, who seemed to be in a really bad trance. So I had watched his eyes move from my feet up, till eventually he had reached my hand, wonder as I will what had fixated him currently on my hand slowly I looked down at my hand covered in blood from my nose. “Ow...” I shivered painfully as the paper landed in my hand. The boy still didn’t bother speaking instead he was shaking like it was freezing out on this hot summer day. “Get down!” a voice shouted as I just covered my head some kid kicking him in the face and landing on his chest.
‘Splash’ as they hit the ground, one squatting on the other guy’s chest as he looked pissed one of those “do you mind?” faces on. As the kid swung around grabbing my hand and pulling me up. “He’s not usually like this, he just hasn’t eaten in a while, plus you smell like chips.” the kid my age I slowly begun to recognize as Kisayme (Keys-sa-may) from my last class, grabbed my heavy as heck book bag off the street not even pausing to admire his own strength still pulling me in tow. "Was it really necessary to tell me I smell like chips?!" I shouted back not receiving a reply as I moved onto the next attempt to get his attention.

“Eaten?” I whispered. “Come on, you know I wouldn’t of let him eat you, maybe I would've let him eat that jerk Cupcake.” he laughed (no one knew Cupcake’s real name anyway but he wanted to be called Cupcake, don't ask me end of story.) “He eats people!?” I said startled. “No, I was joking mainly uncooked foods he’ll never eat a person.” Kisayme laughed as we where running so fast when my blue uniform dried it was blue again. “Wait, how’d you even find me!?” I asked. “Your book bag was out in the middle of the street, he ran away about three weeks ago, so I was figuring he’d get hungry by now.” he laughed as I had no idea what he was laughing about or even why we were still running.

“Where are we going?” I shouted as he shook his head and winked. “Hey! Anybody have steak?!” Kisayme shouted as we ran inside a home, no answer. “Quick duck.” He whispered as he threw a steak into the living room, Kisayme turning and flinging landing me behind the couch, he sitting up to a crouch so he could wrap my hand quickly. “It should stop shortly” he whispered running to wash his hands. “By the way if he comes home, don’t freak” he laughed walking back in with a soda helping me up from behind the couch where I was hiding. “Come on his eating isn’t pretty...he doesn't like it either.” he sighed taking me to the kitchen. “Plus you should probably call your mother.” he sighed. "And tell her what? Hi Mom sorry to disturb your eternal slumber but I sort of almost got eaten by a cannibal in a dark alley hope your enjoying yourself" I though to myself punching in my sister’s number.

“Hi” I whispered as Kisayme stole the phone playfully, it was strange to see someone I barely knew suddenly become as if my best friend....chatting with my he tossed the corded phone back. “Well anyway, sister...” I whispered a little bit shaken. “He sounds sexy see you tomorrow!” she shouted hanging up the phone before I could reply or deny it as I turned slowly to him, who was shrugging. “I just said you could stay later, and you where visiting for a project.” Kisayme mumbled. “She said she’ll pick me up tomorrow.” I said as the door swung open. “Then you are in for a hell of a night” he sighed seeming unsure to laugh or be in complete terror, turning to the door. The only thought coming to me was that I was insane or asleep...maybe both.

A sparkly-little fairy in the door way, as I decided I must've hit my head sometime throughout the school day staring at her. “Aunt Beads!” he sighed as either it was magic or she had looked almost as young as him. “Kisayme! You're so cute like your Mother I knew you’d be bringing a girl here soon!” she laughed as Kisayme looked towards the walls suddenly hiding me.

“Go away Aunt Beads! There’s nothing here your delusional.”
“Tell me your name!” she smiled at me it wasn’t like I was hiding behind Kisayme, but she was really ecstatic, a scary ecstatic fairy. “Don’t say a word” he whispered to me “I’m hiding from a fairy?” I whispered over his shoulder. “She’s evil, I’m telling you.” Kisayme replied still hiding me from the small fairy. “The reason there is only teenagers in this house is because the adults all turned evil and crazy.” he instructed quickly. “We aren’t evil!” Miss Beads shouted reaching her little hand out for me growing to the size of a chubby round doll before the kid from before squeezed his hand around her leaving her in doll size.

“Go away!” he shouted throwing her out the window and slamming it shut then picking up like fifty different nails and nailing the window shut. “Kisayme, I know you don’t like your aunt but he just threw her away!” I jumped up wondering why my hand was wrapped. “Why is my hand wrapped?” I asked confused, “Because if you let it bleed anymore you would’ve fainted!” Kisayme sighed. “Come here” the other mimicked his sighing pattern but more deeply. “what are you doing?” Kisayme sighed. “It’s her nose that’s bleeding, stupid, she’s lost too much blood to tell the difference.” he sighed taking my hand to my nose. “Hold your nose like this and look down” he mumbled as I slowly looked towards the meat suddenly darker. “It’s the lighting in here very off” he sighed as an explanation kicking it right into the other room just barely making the garbage.

As he picked up like fifty more nails and shutting all the windows. “I’m tired” I whispered dizzily. “she’s faint-ing!” Kisayme said sarcastically almost in a sing-song voice. “Breathe! Breathe damn women!” the other screamed at me a minute too late. I woke up about five hours later. “What am I doing?” I whispered looking around in the dark. “Its okay” the kid from before smiled as I looked up. I was leaning against him. “You sicko!!” I screamed hitting him in the face. “My hand!” I whimpered. “hey you’re the one who crawled on me, it’s not like I liked it! I couldn’t move!” he screamed back at me as he rewrapped my hand which had been unwrapped before because I wasn’t hurt now it had to be rewrapped because I was hurt. “You’re going to bleed to death if you keep hitting me.” he sighed. “Cassidy your up” Kisayme said charging into the room. “Well I know that.” the other sighed holding my I.D. “How’d you get that?” I reached under my shirt pulling out my empty chain. As Kisayme glared towards him. “It was hard to get that you know.” he smiled “Is that why you where holding me when I first woke up?” I shouted “You creep!” Kisayme cried, “It was strangling her” the guy sighed.

“Fine” Kisayme replied trying to lead me out of the room but I hadn’t been able to move. Suddenly the door slammed open a brown haired girl in a purple sweatshirt and jeans behind the orange haired girl from before heading into the home. All of these people ranged from ages 12 to 17, not including the fairy. “Hey, funny find you here” she smiled as suddenly the kid sat up throwing his right arm over my left shoulder and left on my right shoulder making it seem like an ‘X’ over my chest then leaning back. “Come on, Claudia she’s mine I found her first.” he smiled. As the red-head looked towards me, for a moment I wasn’t sure to be scared or to laugh. “Cassidy!” Kisayme shouted throwing the popcorn on the table and spinning to release me. “Come on Kiss-ah-meeee let me play!” the kid laughed.

“She’s a human not a toy!” he shouted towards the guy whom I really need to learn his name. I watched Claudia, the red-head, move slowly from the door to the table to right next to me throwing her feet up next to the popcorn some flying in her mouth perfectly. “Izy” she mumbles “What?” the guy holding me for no apparent reason replied “Stop begin such a creeper.” she laughed.

“I am not a creeper” he denies quickly. “Well what can you do that you are here?” the girl jumped up in my face “Amelia! Down girl!” Claudia screamed “What do you mean...I just got lost” I mumbled. “That’s impossible, everyone knows what happened to the last girl who was brought here and was Izy’s girlfriend right?” Amelia mumbled. “AMELIA ANN!” Claudia suddenly screamed at her as she pounced off the couch as lithe as a cat. “Meow” Amelia sighed ironically. “Go!” Claudia said her hand flying up and pointing at the fifteen year old. “come on” she smiled turning to me with her bright yellow eyes. Pulling me forwards, as someone hands clasped on my shoulders. “She’s staying the night, please try to be normal people” Kisayme sighed. “why would she do something so stupid as to stay with us??” Izy said flicking the channel. “Because her sister-” he sighed stopping. “you tried to eat her! Of course she’s
going to stay with us for a while!” Kisayme said suddenly changing the topic. “Well she is a klutz and has a problem for getting into trouble-” Izy sighed.

“Aunt Beads is outside!” Amelia shouted as Izy spun around about a hundred nails in his hand already, it was actually quite a show watching how fast he beat the nails on the door. “What’s your plan Mr. Hero?” Kisayme sighed crossing his arms “and run” he said quickly as Kisayme nodded grabbing my other hand.

“So let me get this straight” I whispered running. “the fairy is evil, and the person, cannibal, whatever! He just really enjoys meat is the good guy, and hey why am I running?” I shouted confused as he swiped his keys off the wall without even pausing to stop like my book bag from before. “Um” I whispered as he threw open the door and dragged me in the car, that purple and blue cat in the back, sleeping. As he threw the keys into the ignition spinning around as I fiddled with my seat-belt. “Amelia, sit up!” he shouted driving the car way over the speed limit.

“Why I was sleeping!” she shouted. “No one sleeps when Aunt Beads is around, you stay in your room with both eyes open and a knife under your pillow” he shouted grabbing my buckle and slamming it down. “Where’d the cat go?” I mumbled. As he looked quickly from me to the street radio blasting.

“Right here!” Amelia smiled (her yellow eyes officially explained) “Well this family is a complicated mess; I get it for you it must be really-”he was cut off with a sharp turn “Cool!” I shouted petting her as she turned into a cat and pounced into my lap, turning half of herself under the seat-belt.

“Amelia! Get buckled as a human!” Kisayme shouted “She’ll catch me.” she scratched into the paper on the dash board as we pulled up to a red-light. “I’m sorry, she’s usually not this social” he mumbled as I nodded.
“Why are you driving so fast to get away from such a little fairy?” I mumbled “she’s a fast bitchy fairy and when she saw you where near Izy, tragic story too many details” he sighed. “well this curse is a blessing to everyone, but Izy and the years yet to come no one will be able to explain what creature they are yet” Amelia smiled as I looked towards Kisayme way too intent on his driving.

Before, when we where running from Izy he was only playing he was happy, now it was as if a mad dash for his (our) lives. “Amelia’s a shifter, Izy is 2 halves vamp, Amelia just told me Claudia is a good/bad angelic decedent so what are you?” I mumbled the lights from random clubs and street lights glowing against my face in the dark. As he looked up slowly and intently. “Cassidy, I’ll explain to everything if you don’t die in the next week.” He said looking at me really dramatically as Amelia flexed her claws in my lap purring. “We should keep her, I’ve just got a feeling about this one, this girl” Amelia said falling asleep in my lap as the car begun moving again. I looked up wondering what he could’ve meant by that. What had happened to these people in the past? I always knew Kisayme always looked sick with worry, and he had only ever missed one day of school ever....he was in the hospital for critical condition, but back the next day only in crutches.

So I had brushed it off as a false rumor. But, slowly now, I felt as if I were to stay with them even a little longer I would slowly become closer and closer to the truth. The only problem I could feel, as I pet Amelia in her cat form on my lap, was.....did I really want to know the truth that this family had worked so hard to keep hidden from everyone else outside of this family?