Sequel: water princess

Moon Warrior


Unknown persons POV:
I watched.
I gazed through her window.
I watched as the beautiful petite body of my dear Misty floated four feet above her bed.
It was now midnight.
Sixteen years ago today at this time Misty was born. She probably doesn’t know this but she should but she is now officially our new Moon Warrior who, along with the Sun warrior, will protect the kingdom of Zharia (pronounced sorry-ah). And it was my job to protect Misty which means I have to stay by her side until she completes her training. ‘That won’t be hard’ I thought to myself I mean I want to be close to her. I love her always have ever since I first saw her I just don’t know how to tell her.
I snapped out of my thoughtful trance and back to reality, I looked back at the now resting Misty whose body was now covered with the insignia of the Moon Warrior.
I walked backwards quietly back into the cover of the woods not taking my eyes off of Misty until I turned around and walked back towards the palace where once I got into my room and laid my head on my pillow I fell asleep and had a dream about Misty.
Her agonistic screams were cut off.
I quickened my pace from a jog to a full out run.
I was running through the woods; chasing whoever had taken Misty when I came across a clearing where I saw a group of men surrounding what looked like to be a girl’s form. She was motionless and one of the big dudes said, “Is she dead I didn’t think I hit her that hard.” One of them murmured back, “No just unconscious.” He shifted his body just slightly enough for me to realize that the figure was that of Misty.
I jumped from my hiding place in the cover of the trees and spoke in a dark tone, “GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HER!”
As they all turned towards me I started walking towards them and one of them said, “Who are you?”
The one that was closest to him whispered “That’s Prince Terrance.” I could detect a hint of fear in his voice and smirked.
“I see my reputation has proceeded me.” I grinned at all of their frightened faces.
As I took another step towards them out of the corner of my eyes I saw the bigger tougher looking one backing towards the safety of the trees. As the other men saw him flee with fright they too retreated as well “hmmm must not have a death wish.”
Once I no longer felt their presence I went over to the now stirring body of Misty.

Misty’s POV (still in dream)
Even though I was unconscious I could still feel myself being carried.
I felt twig like items digging into my back and thought I must be in the clearing on the ground.
I heard one of the guys that took me probably the one that hit me on the head to knock me out say something and then he got a reply I heard the rustle of something probably one of the guys shifting their weight or something. I also heard someone else not one of the guys that took me. He sounded really pissed wait is that Terrance. Yup what one of the guys whispered confirmed my thought I felt a breeze and heard twigs snapping like people running.
Oh god I thought I hope those guys aren’t trying to fight Terrance I mean he can take them they are the ones I’m concerned for. I was just starting to feel my limbs when I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder shaking me I heard his melodious concerned voice say “Misty are you ok? Misty? Oh god please wake up.”
When my eyes opened I wasn’t in the clearing I was in my room I was covered in sweat and out of breath. I picked up my phone and called Terrance.
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this was three pages 681 words on my word document and hope you like, fan, friend, subscribe, comment, and suggest this story to other people also if u subscribe i will either dedicate a chapter to you or create a character based on you but you gotta comment if you subscribe so i know who you are or just inbox me thanks PCM out