Sequel: water princess

Moon Warrior

chapter one

RECAP: I woke up, sweaty and out of breath. I reached for my phone and called Terrance
Misty’s POV:
The phone rang two times until I heard Terrance’s concerned voice whisper, “Hello?”
“Hey Terrance” I said, starting to panic. “Can you come over here I had a bad dream.”
“Yeah sure no problem.” He said .
Five minutes later there was a tap on my window so I got out of my bed to open it thinking wow that was fast.
As I reached for the latch I noticed blue markings all over my body. By the time I came out of shock Terrance was already through the window. Hoping he didn’t see the markings yet I ran to my bed and wrapped up in my blanket.
He noticed it and told me I didn’t need to hide.
“But I’m a freak!”
“No your not misty.” He said.
I hesitantly unwrapped my blankets from my body and waited for him to scream ‘freak’ and run but he didn’t. I looked at my body again opening my mouth to scream for I was a little frightened by them when Terrance put his hand over my mouth and said, “Don’t scream, I have to tell you something, a confession actually.”
I blinked and shook my head in acknowledgement.
He hesitatingly pulled his hand away from my mouth to see if I was gonna scream. I didn’t. He then came and sat beside me on my bed.
“Ok first off” he stated, “You’re the moon warrior.”
“The markings all over your body are the insignias of the moon warrior and they are also what give you your powers.”
I’m still silent.
He continued, “The moon warrior appears every two-hundred years at mid-night on a girls sixteenth birthday. She also has a partner, the sun warrior who is the same, appears every two-hundred years midday on their birthday but it’s always after the moon warrior appears and presents themselves that the sun warrior presents themselves. The sun warrior also has markings but instead of being blue they are yellow. They both are protected by what is called ‘The Guardian’.” He paused then added “Are you taking all this in?”
I turned my head slowly towards him and gave a slight nod, still in shock.
“Ok, you need to keep a low profile until the sun warrior gains their powers and presents themselves.”
I nod again coming out of my trance, “How do you know all of this?” I ask and he replies with, “Because, I’m The Guardian.”
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ok tell me if ya like it lol kind of rough