Sequel: water princess

Moon Warrior

chapter two

“WHY THE HE.. I started to scream.
“Shhhh” Terrance said grabbing my arm with one hand and silencing me with the other.
We sat silently to make sure I didn’t wake up my parents.
They hadn’t woken up so I continued, “Why the hell didn’t you tell me this?”
“Because I was sworn to secrecy.”
We talked about some stuff regarding the moon warrior and some about the sun warrior, my partner, for the hours following.
The next thing I know I’m being shook by Terrance. I could barely hear him telling me, “Hurry up we’re gonna be late.” As he got out a Clemson hoodie and my UGA sweat pants and threw them at me I started walking towards my bathroom to take a shower.
“Um what are you doing?” he called from behind me.
“I’m about to take a shower duh.”
He swallowed and I saw him blush so I decided to play a joke on him. I walked up to him and got really close, “Do you want to join me?”
I could hear his heart beat increase and his breathing get deeper. Trying not to laugh I leaned and close to his ear and said, “I wouldn’t mind if you did.”
His eyes widened and he replied, “uh um *gulp* no thanks I took one last night.”
“Alright suit yourself.” I said walking away.
Behind me I heard a sigh of relief as I closed the door and turned on the shower.
I locked the door and get undressed to get in. once I was in I washed my hair followed by my body. I let the warm water envelop me and sooth my skin which was tingly from my ‘markings’.
After about three minutes or so of that my limbs started getting numb so I quickly shaved and got out. Once I was out I dried off. Just as I was done getting dressed and drying my hair as it fell straight there was a knock on my door. “Come on we gotta leave in five minutes maximum to be on time.” Terrance said from the other side.
I put powdered make up on to cover my facial markings then went down stairs and made breakfast for me and my still sleeping parents. I scarfed down scrambled eggs while making my mom a plain cheese omelet and my dad a sautéed onion, green pepper filled omelet.
When I set it on the table I left with my purse and book bag in hand.
Once outside I saw Terrance’s black and yellow corvette or as I call him ‘bumble bee’. I ran to the driver’s side.
“*ahem* and just what do you think you’re doing young lady?” Terrance’s voice rang for my side. That was when I could really smell him. Oh god he smelled so good it made me wonder had he been wearing this when he got to my house last night and why? The thought of him trying to impress me was nerve-wrecking seeing as I actually do like him but only just a little bit.
“I’m gonna drive ‘Bumble Bee’. I retorted.
I felt his hand grab my waist and gasped thinking this is it! This is when he finally claims me as his girlfriend but instead of feeling his plump lips that could make a gal melt like butter on a warm July day I felt him tighten around me and I was yanked back and let out a yelp.
“only in your dreams sweetie pie.” He said with a wink.
“Augh no fair it’s my turn to drive!” I said storming to the other side of the car and thought hey at least he called me sweetie pie as I got in and heard the roar of the engine gotta love that purr. I closed the door and started picking out the bits of gravel that had gotten stuck in the groves on the bottom of my pink ugg boots.
When I was buckled in I turned on the radio and tuned it to Project 96.1 which is my ultimate station but Terrance hates. It was at the ending riff to a song by a day to remember which it changed to hero by skillet my favorite Christian rock band ever. When I looked out the corner of my eyes I noticed Terrance’s hand reaching out to the dial to change the station. My hand shot out and slapped his.
“OWW!” he said instinctively retracted his hand back to his body and cradled it to his chest whimpering like a little baby.
“Now you know not to mess with my radio station.” I replied.
“Technically it’s my radio station.” He said
“How so?” was my question.
“Well it’s my car so therefore my radio station and therefore my music as well.” He said. When he finished he stuck his tongue out like a little kid. “No thanks I’d rather used toilet paper.” I shot back at him.
He started to grab the knob again and I smacked him yet again but even harder this time making
his hand red and then sticking my tongue back at him. He just chuckled, huffed but backed off of
‘my radio’.
I tuned back to the music. “I need a hero to save my life. I need a hero just in time save me just in time, save me just in time, who’s gonna fight for what’s right, who’s gonna help us survive, we’re in the fight of our lives (and we’re not ready to die), who’s gonna fight for the weak, who’s gonna make ‘em believe, I’ve gotta hero, living in me, I’m gonna fight for what’s right, today I’m speaking my mind, and if it kills me tonight (I will be ready to die), a hero’s not afraid to give his life, a hero’s gonna save me just in time!” I belted out at the top of my lungs.
I could feel Terrance’s gaze on me as well as a blush creep into my cheeks. I shook the butterflies out and turned back to concentrating on the radio.
The next song to turn on was a Seether song “Broken” featuring Amy Lee from Evanescence to which I just enjoyed because I could not compare to the voice of Amy Lee. Then after that song ended God smack’s “Love, Hate, Sex, Pain”. I turned the volume up six more notches because this is one of my favorite God Smack songs.
When we had pulled up to the school I was also singing to the music, “Love, Hate, Sex, Pain, it’s complicating me some howww, this Love, Hate, Sex, Pain, its underestimated liesss!” was all I was able to belt out before the radio and car cut off leaving an eerie silence as the purr died down.
“Terrance that was my jam.” I said.
“Sorry princess>” he said with a chuckle before getting out. “Ugh” I huffed as I jokingly stomped out of the car.
I had my things in my hands as Terrance walked around to the passenger side of the car to where I was. When I turned around everyone was staring at me. I took and deep breath and gulped. *this is gonna be a long day.* I thought to myself
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tell me if you like this and the new cover photo I'm about to put up