Sequel: water princess

Moon Warrior

chapter three

Terrance squeezed my hand in comfort and we started heading towards our first period. Terrance, my best friend Iradesca, and I have all the same classes together.
As we walked to AP Biology my whole body started burning and I winced in pain letting out a gasp. He grabbed and caressed my hand helping the pain go away a little bit.
We walked into the double doors into the school when the warning bell rang. We started running to room 203, where we slipped into the room through the door at the back of the classroom.
I started to go to my seat at the front of the classroom but Terrance’s hand grabbed my elbow, “Let’s sit in the back.” He said, so I walked to the last row where the slackers sat. We had just sat down when Ira slipped in at the last second as the final bell to start school rang and Mrs. Laver began talking.
She was going over the study guide we had been working on for the past few days that’s over our test next week on genotypes and phenotypes, recessive and dominant genes.
She was about a quarter way finished going over it when I noticed Ira looking around the room so I hid a little bit too where she wouldn’t notice me with my hood on. When my teacher was more than half way done going over it my pants buzzed and so I checked my phone. I had a text from Ira.
”Ira: where are you?
Me: I can’t talk or tell you right now.
Ira: What’s going on? Are you ok?
Me: I’m really sorry I just can’t tell you I got to go”
Ira had just finished reading the text and was putting up her phone when Mrs. Laver, almost completed with going over the study guide review, looked up. “Mrs. Lightbeam is that a phone I see? Give it to me.”
“But I was putting it away.” Ira said.
“You know the rules and how I feel about cells phones being out in my classroom.” She said.
Ira got up to hand her phone to her. “You can have it back after class.”
When she was completely done with the review she said, “Alright get out your books and turn in your textbooks to chapter 10 and start reading, answer all of the questions and vocab at the end and then come up here and take this fun game packet we shall quiz over this in three days to see if you did the work.”
I opened my bag and started work. It took me half an hour to finish the reading a half of the chapter. I looked at my watch seeing as we only had until the bell rang at 9:47 and it was currently 9:45 I decided to ask Terrance to go get those packets Mrs. Laver was talking about.
“Done already Terrance?” she asked him as he walked up to her desk.
“No just getting them so I can work on them at home.” He said while getting both of us one.
“You always were my favorite student. So diligent.” She said back.
I saw Ira reach up to his arm stopping him. It looked like she was trying to ask him something but he just brushed her off playing it cool. He came back to sit with me waiting for the bell to ring.
“What was that all about?” I asked.
“What was what?” he asked back.
“With Ira?” I asked.
“Oh that.”
“Yeah that.” I said.
“She was worried. Wanted to know where you were.” He replied.
“Oh.” I said back. I felt bad for lying to her she was my best friend after all I’ve always sat with her.
I started packing up and took a look at my watch again it said one minute till the end of class. *packed up just in time.* I thought to myself. Then the bell rang, and I picked up my stuff as Terrance ushered me to the door before anyone else got up.
As I got out the door I saw Ira get up to the front of the class to get her phone, a pang of guilt hitting me as I thought that she got it taken up because of me, *Stupid moon warrior crap.* I thought as I got into the hallway which had no one in it just yet.
Our next class consisted of watching the animal farm in small animal care which was about farm animals taking it over and ruling it and becoming corrupt with power and they eventually lost and gave in to the humans and let them take the farm back over. When the bell rang we got up and left the class room and flowed into the hallway with other random people on their way to third period.
Terrance and I was the tenth and eleventh person into classroom 413 for math II and we were followed by Jason, Samantha, Brittany, and Cody.
As Terrance and I got to the back to sit down again I saw Ira walk into the room glancing around for me again but she didn’t spot me and eventually gave up and went to sit down in our normal spot in the second row. I didn’t spot our teacher Mr. Wolfe but instead saw Mr. Brown my favorite sub.
“Alright class as you can see I’m not your normal teacher, I am your sub for these next few days maybe weeks, Mr. Wolfe had some kind of family emergency so he won’t be here for a while. So for two of these days we will be watching a movie called,” he paused looking at the case, “21.”
There were a few murmurs of yes’s and Alright’s here and there.
“But,” he said continuing, “You will take notes if you want extra credit and when he returns you will have to write a four page essay.”
Then that was when the moans and groans started.
“Oh hush up and just watch the movie.” Mr. Brown said while popping the disk into the computer and starting it.
It started off in a casino, walking past all of the slot machines past crepes and roulette and focused on the black jack tables where there were three players besides the dealer were betting hitting and standing it stopped on Jim Sturgess’ character Ben betting on a pair of twos. I zoned out so I don’t know what happened after that and I was thinking what did this have to do with math. I noticed Terrance taking notes for the both of us and zoned back in right as Kevin Spacey’s character joined him and he mentioned something about a magazine to him and thought what the hell is going on this makes no sense and then it went to a black screen and it flashed three days previous and the two of them plus a girl and an Asian guy were in a room with numbers matching up to different words with magazine being matched up to 18
Kevin’s character said, “Ok so you think you know how to count cards? Well here’s how we do it in this group.” And he started talking about how they did it and I laid my head down and closed my eyes as I dozed off into a dream.
In my dream my markings were glowing along with my eyes. I stood there not knowing what to do for almost half an hour until I felt someone guide my movements and next thing I know my arms were in a fighting position and water was surrounding tightly to my body. I gasped for air but didn’t need it. I stood like that for ten minutes just trying to control the waters movements and making them float in front of me forming pointy ice sickles and shot them at the targets in front of me. This went one for twenty minutes then there were some screams and I heard Terrance shake me and tell me to get up.
When I awoke there was ice crystal spears flung into the wall where the movie had been playing when I dozed off. I started freaking out and Terrance whispered that it was going to be alright and to just calm down.
I calmed down and breathed deeply and the water stopped creeping up from the ground. I ran out of the room followed by Terrance then the bell rang. As students filled the halls I was hoping to get lost in the sea of people but I didn’t get far before I heard my best friends voice come up behind me. I had already lost Terrance but Ira was catching up to me.
She stopped me and turned me around and she took one look at me and gasped. *How can she see my markings* I thought guessing that’s why she gasped.
The next thing I know it’s twelve and Ira starts getting a glow. I freaked out and jumped backwards as she starts to lift into the air her glow growing brighter and brighter.
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i hope you like it. sorry if its a little bit wordy or wonky with the details