'Cause the Heart Never Lies

Airports Suck

I groaned quietly, the people in this line were going to make me late for my flight to England. There was a couple, obviously first time parent travelers since they had their stroller still out and their four year old was drinking apple juice. Sighing I pulled my shoes off along with my hoodie, leaving me in my work out pants and v neck. I usually traveled in clothes that didn’t have pockets, because it simply made it easier to get through security. Once the parents had made their way through the check, kid and all, it was my turn. I’d been meaning to go to England for years now, but had only recently gotten the chance because of Graduation money. Well my parents bought half the ticket for me, and I bought the other half. The rest of my grad money was headed towards living expenses when my friend, Denaesia, and I were actually in England.

My parents had been nice enough to agree to let me go to England, at nineteen, on my own. I had an early birthday, and speaking of which I was turning twenty in England so it just made my birthday all that more exciting. Wanna know the best part? We were gonna be in England until September, and my birthday was September ninth.

I pulled Denaesia along with me, while humming along to the song playing in my ears via my head phones. My iPod was blaringly loud but I didn’t mind, though the people with the sleeping child next to us might. My music tastes ranged from Dubstep to rock, from country to pop it really depended on my mood.

I was still having a hard time believing that I was going to the UK for my summer vacation. Who got to say that they spent the summer where one of their favorite bands is from, oh yeah me and Denaesia. I smiled a little at the thought, how we’d managed to talk our way into this one I don’t know.

The song I was listening to ended and a new one came blaring through my ear buds Party Girl by McFly started it’s dancey beat. Making me want to dance around in my seat, unfortunately without looking like a crazy person I couldn’t do that. I licked over my lips and browsed through my Tumblr, the blog site was one of my favorite places to hang out while surfing the web.

I giggled as a random gif thing popped up of Danny and Harry from McFly. “Chelsey, stop staring at the attractive British man.”

“But I want said attractive British man.” I pouted at Denaesia, who rolled her eyes at me in a joking manner. She was used to me having one of my ‘Danny is sooooooo hot’ moments. I had them frequently. Apparently I had a thing for guys named Danny, who had accents cause my ex-boyfriend was named Danny and he had an accent I never quite pinned down, but I liked it. Which was probably why I was dating him. Though that relationship didn’t last, note to self: don’t date musicians anymore.

Oh who am I kidding I know I’ll wind up falling for some British guy who plays guitar; everybody has that one figured out.

Denaesia and I climbed onto the plane for the long flight ahead of us and once the pilot told us we could turn on electronics I pulled my laptop out and started to surf the web. Thank god for planes with wifi. The plane ride was ten hours long, at least I didn’t have a small child kicking the back of my seat; otherwise I might have lost my mind.

Musicians were one of my many weaknesses, along with guys who never took anything too seriously. I mean who wants to deal with a Debby downer? No one, that’s who, I pulled up my MSN and logged on, checking to see if anyone worth chatting to was online. Upon not finding anyone online I shut the program down and began to browse through Tumblr. Might as well stare at some good pictures while on the ten hour flight.

I was never a huge fan of long flights, I mean I put up with them and I didn’t freak out, but the landing and taking off and the hours of sitting were a little boring. Not to mention freaky. I didn’t really like thinking about the fact that the plane was taking off and its tail was facing the ground, I kept thinking the engines would stall and we’d go crashing into the ground. The landing wasn’t much better since I kept, for whatever reason, thinking that the plane was landing nose first, which wasn’t true, but I kept thinking about it.

To distract myself I turned my iTunes on and listened to some McFly, they were good at keeping me from thinking about much of anything other than how much I loved their music. I pulled youtube up and found myself watching some interviews with bands I liked. Mostly it was Asking Alexandria, Avenged Sevenfold and Hollywood Undead. I found Hollywood Undead and Asking Alexandria had some really funny interviews while A7x had some good ones, but not quite as laugh-till-you-cry funny.

I suppose that could be due to the interviewer but it was still funny, I enjoyed the interviews either way and sooner than expected the stewardess came by and asked if we’d like anything to drink, and to tell us that lunch would be on its way soon. While waiting for the food, and after our drinks/peanuts came I decided to take a nap. Might as well since I have a feeling the time zone might mess with me a lot. Even if I am a night owl.

England was sure to be entertaining, I just wasn’t sure what we were going to do there other than drool over the accents and wish we could run into someone famous like McFly.
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Hey guys, hope you like this chapter, I know I do hah. I do have the problem of falling for musicians with accents. It's so bad, but anyways, please comment folks. Let us know what you like and how you think we're doing. This is a co-write and the next chapter should be posted up tonight sometime, I think.

Peace, Kelsey.