'Cause the Heart Never Lies

Morning After

Chelsey woke up sometime later with a heavy, hot, something tossed across her lower back, making it difficult to sit up and figure out where she was. Not to mention the pounding headache and the fact she was lying on her stomach. Turning over slowly, so as not to disturb her uneasy stomach and to keep the person lying next to her from waking up, Chelsey cracked her mascara caked lashes open. The first thing that greeted her opened eyes was the exceedingly bright sunlight streaming through the curtains which apparently no one had bothered to close.

Once her blue eyes had adjusted she looked over and refrained, just barely, from leaping out of her skin. Danny Jones was asleep next to her. One long tattooed arm across her waist while his blue eyes were hidden behind closed lids and his chocolate locks were mussed. Chelsey looked around the room a little unsure of what happened last night. Finding most of their clothing scattered about, though she was still in her underwear. This made her feel a little better, not that she had any idea if they’d been left on or if they’d been returned to her body at some point. A white V neck tee shirt clearly not her own adorned her torso.

Chelsey swallowed audibly and leaned back against the pillows that had been supporting her while she slept. “What the fuck happened?” She murmured quietly, attempting to recall last night, but really the only thing she remembered was going out drinking with the guys at someone’s ‘flat’ after that it was all just a blur of colors. She honestly had no idea what had happened last night. She was so tempted to shake Danny awake and ask him if he remembered anything, he probably remembered more than she did. Or at least she was kind of hoping he did, at least she hoped he remembered the important stuff, not if she made an ass out of herself.

Somewhere off in the distance…probably with her jeans, Chelsey could hear her phone going off. She didn’t bother scrambling to pick it up, she honestly didn’t care enough. She had a shirtless Danny Jones sleeping next to her. Little could have forced her to move from the spot she was in. Though shortly after her phone stopped ringing, his started vibrating loudly on the nightstand on the side of the bed closest to him. Chelsey debated for a few seconds before leaning, as carefully as she could, across the mattress and picking the phone up.

“Hello?” Her voice sounded funny even to her, not that that was a shocker.

“WHERE ARE YOU?” DeNaesia shouted from the other end of the phone “honestly? I have no clue. Though I’m with Danny.”

Clearly,” her friends tone was sarcastic through and through. Chelsey resisted the urge to face palm, if she was answering his phone she was most likely with him. She never said she was firing on all cylinders this morning.

“Did you know that he sleeps like a rock?” Chelsey asked as she looked down at the comatose lead singer of one of her favorite bands.

“No I didn’t know that, now can you tell me where you are?” DeNaesia sighed, clearly not amused by this like Chelsey was.

“Ummm a bedroom?” Chelsey could be a smartass when she wanted to be, and frankly she was going to be one right now. “You’re asking the girl who uses land marks to give you a location? Really DeNaesia,” Chelsey snickered a little as Danny shifted in his sleep and his arm was pulled from her waist. She frowned a little at the loss of warmth but slid out of the large bed and padded into the other parts of the apartment.

“Look outside and give me a landmark I’m with the guys and they should be able to tell me where you are.”

“I’m fine though,” the whine came out, like it did whenever Chelsey was content with where she was and she was being forced to leave/move. “Yes well, we need girl talk and they need their singer back.”

“He’s out like a rock though; I swear I wouldn’t think he was alive if I couldn’t see his chest moving…his very nicely sculpted chest…”

“WOULD YOU STOP DROOLING?!” DeNaesia yelled, succeeding in breaking Chelsey from her happy place. “Okay, okay fine. I see…a big ass brick building and a coffee shop or something. Oh and a park pathway.” DeNaesia relayed the information on to the rest of the band and it was quickly determined that she was indeed at Danny’s flat. Clearly they’d gotten there from where they started drinking, how the answer was still unknown but they were both unharmed.

“Are you gonna come disturb my happy place? Cause if so I’m gonna go crawl back into the uber warm bed and go back to sleep until you get here.” DeNaesia sighed a little “we’ll be there in half an hour, apparently we need coffee first.”

“Oooo bring me something yummy?” Chelsey never said she wasn’t a little ADD. “Fine, what do you want?”

“A latte, vanilla if they have it.” She murmured before saying good bye to her friend and hanging the phone up before slipping quietly back into the bedroom. Crawling back under the sheets she curled up and went back to sleep. Maybe they’d be late and she could sleep for another two or more hours. She felt like she hadn’t slept in a week. Maybe that was just the liquor in her system though.

Chelsey snuggled down against the warm, yummy smelling brunette and quickly drifted off. The doorbell would either wake her up, or it wouldn’t. Or it’d wake the other person in the bed with her and that’d be fine with her too. She preferred to wake up to a nice coffee instead of an annoying door bell.
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Okay, sorry about the delay, I just had no ideas for this story, sorry it's a bit fillerish (?) but I will try and make my next chapter less so. Hope you enjoyed, please drop a comment and let us know what you thought!

Peace, War.