Status: Progress is being made

Not What It Seems

Chapter Three

"Hey," Sarah said softly, touching John's arm, "What's up?"

"It's nothing," He sighed, taking her hand and lacing his fingers through hers, "It's just... Sherlock,"

"Oh," She muttered, surprised. 

"There's something... Up with him. He's depressed." 

Sarah thought for a minute before answering, her other hand pressed to her chin, "Do you know why?"

"Nope," John sighed. 

She smiled lightly, "Then don't let it worry you,"

They stopped at the door to John's flat and looked at each other. He was waiting for her to ask him for a coffee but she didn't. He was going to ask her to call him but the wrong words came out. 

"Do you want to... Come in?" He asked hesitantly, afraid she would say no. He was being too forward and he knew it. 

"What about -"

"Sherlock?" He cut her off, "I told him to disappear before I left, in case you came back with me."

"Oh," She smiled brightly, "Okay then"

John unlocked the door and Sarah was at him at once, kissing him as she began to remove his tie and push him back. He stumbled and they both fell on the sofa, laughing and kissing each other. He had been right to let Sarah in, everything was going perfectly. It was only when a cough sounded from the chair opposite that Watson looked up, his lips stained with Sarah's lipstick. 
Sherlock was sitting there with a absent expression on his face, his fingers pressed together and his elbows rested on the side of the arm chair. His bright blue eyes were unreadable. 

"Sherlock!" John shouted, anger and embarrassment seeping through his voice. 

"I'd rather not witness your intimacy so if you don't mind Sarah, you can go now." He muttered, leaning back in his chair. 

"No!" Watson shouted angrily, pushing himself up so he was in a standing position, "You can go. We want the place to ourselves tonight,"

Sarah sat on the sofa, uncomfortably looking around her, "It's okay, I'll go,"

"No," Watson fixed her with an angry look, "Sherlock is going. I did say I wanted the place to ourselves,"

Sherlock's eyed brightened, "You didn't imply what you wanted to do with it,"

John laughed a bitter laugh, "Did I have to?"

Sherlock didn't say anything, he just looked at them both through his blue eyes. 

"Go and find Molly or something," Watson sighed, "She always needs your help,"

Sarah didn't miss the sudden smile appear on his face before he flashed it off, "It's her, isn't it?"

He turned to look at Sarah, dumbfounded "What?" 

"It's Molly. That's why you're depressed," She answered, watching as Sherlock averted his eyes. 

"It is!" Watson shouted, excitedly, "Go and see her! Go on! She's fancied you for ages, go and kiss her!"

"Molly's what?" Sherlock asked, feeling more stupid by the second. He never missed anything and he, The Sherlock Holmes, most certainly didn't feel stupid. 

"Fancied you for ages!"

"I can assure you she hasn't," Sherlock frowned. He would have noticed if she did, he didn't miss a thing. 

"You like her, don't you? That's why you're depressed!" John smiled before looking at his girlfriend, "Well done Sarah!"

"I don't like anyone and especially not Molly," Sherlock snapped, making his way to the door, "And I'm not depressed,"

Sherlock stalked out the door, slamming it behind him. He needed to think, he needed to breath. Molly didn't like him. He would've noticed. He was brilliant at detecting these things! 
He was going to prove it, once and for all. 
♠ ♠ ♠
I thought I'd post another chapter since I'm back at school tomorrow.
Thank you for reading and a comment would really mean a lot :D
Please leave a comment, it really boosts my confidence and all. I wanna know if you like it people!!
Okay the next chapter is where it gets interesting :D

Oh and btw if you have a story you need more readers on, I'll be happy to read it! I'm really looking for new reading material :D

River x