Status: updating as regularly as possible

Kids In Love


“Amanda, how do you expect to get a tan when you dress like it’s 30 degrees out!” I scolded my best friend as I adjusted my Juicy Couture sunglasses on my head. It was a beautiful sunny afternoon on the beach and we were both sprawled out on our towels, letting the sun paint our winter-paled skin that lovely copper shade.

“Some of us would like to not have skin cancer, thank you very much,” she retorted and propped herself up on her elbows, the strap of her hot pink bikini poking out from underneath her white off the shoulder top.

“At least I won’t be the one looking like a pasty ghost!” I teased and sat up beside her. We had been best friends practically since we were babies. Our families did everything together—vacations, holiday dinners, birthdays; the whole shebang. She was more like a sister to me than Olivia ever was.

“Be honest, you just want to see my beach bod. It’s okay, I understand. If you were as hot as me, I’d feel the same way.”

I scoffed at her and brought my shades back down to the bridge of my nose as I looked out to the crashing waves, toppling over one another onto the sand just a few feet away. The seagulls squawked as they flew overhead and the sound of the lifeguard’s whistle pierced my ears, signaling for two little boys to stop kicking sand onto innocent sunbathers. My phone sounded from my tote and I lazily reached out for it, bringing the screen up close to my face. It was a text from my mom, reminding me of our lunch plans. I groaned and dropped the phone onto my towel.

“What’s wrong?” Amanda turned to me, worry lines creasing her forehead.

“I totally forgot about fun time with the De Luca’s today,” I grumbled back. Amanda bit back a grin and giggled at my expense. See here’s the thing with the De Lucas. The parents, Richard and Mary, were nice enough people, but their son Griffin? Well he was another story entirely.

Griffin had the movie star good looks and a million dollar smile to match, but that was all he had to offer. His head was filled with hot air and he walked the earth like the streets were paved in his honor. The real kicker here was that our parents not so secretly wished we would couple up already and one day get married and make little De Luca-Tyler babies together. Yeah, fat chance.

"Better hurry, don't want to keep Griffin waiting," Amanda cackled. I shot her a less than enthusiastic look and texted my mom back, letting her know I'd be there soon.

Typical me, I was running late for lunch. Olivia and my parents were already sitting with the De Lucas at one of the resort’s restaurants, waiting on me. So when I reached my hotel room, I unlocked the door and raced to the shower to wash away the sand and smell of sun block. After I was clean, I hurried over to my room and rummaged through my drawers for something decent to wear. If there was one thing I hated more than anything, it was being rushed and with my hair still dripping and my body not dressed, I felt ready to jump out of my skin. I had managed to pull on a pair of white shorts when there was a knock at the door…and footsteps? That was impossible; no one could get in without a key. Ditching my many open drawers, I stepped outside to the main room.

“Oh my God!”

Well I guess I left the door open…I thought as I stood frozen in utter shock, clutching the sweater my mom had left on the back of the nearest chair to my bare chest. Why had I even gone out to see who was there without putting a shirt on first? Nice one Han.

“Um…sorry I—” the boy tried to say, still covering his eyes with his hands.

“What the hell are you doing in here!?” I shouted, cutting him off.

“I’m sorry!” he said again, his hands still clamped over his eyes. “I work here. I’m part of the cleaning service. I was assigned room 413 and the door was open and…at least I knocked!” he tried to defend himself. I noticed the Ocean Air emblem stitched to his shirt and the nameplate beside it that read Alex. He looked pretty young, maybe around my age I guess. Although the situation seemed innocent enough, I was still shaken and the fact that I was half naked in front of this perfect stranger didn’t take any of the edge off.

“First of all, this is 414, 413 is across the hall,” I said and his face paled even more than it already had.


I rolled my eyes. “Could you just—?”

“Right, sorry…I’ll uh be across the hall then,” he said and hurriedly exited out the door, shutting it behind him. Letting the breath I’d been holding in the whole time out, I walked back into my room and grabbed my phone off my bed.

Might be a little late.

I quickly texted my mom and went back to getting ready for lunch.
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