Status: Taking over this story for Second.Heartbeat!

Love Is Stronger Than Gravity

i need a second to catch my breath

Ellie had stayed for a little while, but soon enough Jack called her and asked if she would meet him to go buy more alcohol, as if an entire cart full wasn’t enough. I started to get dressed at five. I wasn’t going to show up on time – I was planning to be one of the last ones to arrive. I was hoping to get there at seven, maybe even after that, because there would be nothing worse than being the first one there and sitting in a corner awkwardly with everyone else staring at me.

I showered and fixed my hair, taking my sweet time. I was thinking about dying it again just to kill some time and maybe have an excuse not to go at all. Even as I devised this plan, I knew I wasn’t going to actually go through with it. Ellie would have my head on a platter if I even attempted to skip out on this party, especially since there was a bet going on with Jack. Not only that, but somewhere deep inside, I knew I wanted to go. Albeit, it wasn’t exactly my first choice of plans for the night, especially knowing how awkward this was bound to be. But the thought of finally getting to be around all my friends again and even being in the same facinity as Alex was enough to make me go through with my word. I was just in the middle of finishing up my hair when my cell phone buzzed, vibrating like crazy on the bathroom countertop.

“Ellie, if you want me there on time, you’ll have to let me finish getting dressed,” I told her down the phone, twirling a piece of hair around my finger as I stared at my reflection in the mirror.

“You on time? That would be a first - let’s be honest, you’re always late. I was just calling to tell you I’ll be at your place a quarter to six, which by the way, is in five minutes time, so hurry up.” I could practically see her smug grin.

I rolled my eyes and clicked my phone off, disconnecting the call. I went to my closet and pulled on some jeans and a black tank top with a few buttons down the front. I wasn’t making much of effort, not even if Ellie forced me to. I wasn’t trying to impress anyone. I’d known not to do that anymore because that only got me in trouble.

I quickly put on some eye make-up and slipped on my pink Vans. As I ran out of things to do to keep myself busy, I began to feel sick to my stomach. I knew this feeling all too well – it was a warning. Things weren’t going to go well tonight. I just had that gut feeling that told me something isn’t right. I didn’t have much time to dwell on my churning stomach before Ellie’s voice carried in through my open window. I had no doubt she had brought Jack with her, just in case I needed to be restrained and dragged to this party. Hell, that still may be the only way I go. I still haven’t quite decided.

Like she’d said, there was a knock on my door at exactly quarter to six. I dragged myself down the stairs and to the door and opened it. Jack and Ellie stood there, grins on both their faces.

“I do know my way to the house. You didn’t need to come get me,” I told them. I ushered them back and stepped outside, locking my front door behind me.

“Yes we did. I know what you’re like – you would have waited until about seven or eight, or just made an excuse not to come altogether,” Ellie said, a knowing look being sent my way.


She really could read me like a book and if I was honest. I hated that. I could never get away with anything when it came to her. She was like some telepathic mother that knew what my next step was going to be even before I knew.

“I’m glad you’re coming, Daisy. It’s going to be just like the old days!” Jack chirped in as we walked away from my house and down the street. His excitement was cute, I had to admit.

‘‘Can I ask a question?’’ I asked them both. They nodded and looked at me expectantly. ‘‘Does he know I’m coming?’’

They looked at each other, then at me. ‘‘Ellie told him,’’ Jack said, quirking a large eyebrow in her direction. I looked at Ellie who was staring wide eyed at Jack.

‘‘I didn’t! You told me you were going to tell him,’’ she shot back, hitting his arm.

‘‘I’m going home.’’ I muttered then turned on my heel about to make a run for it. They both grabbed an arm each and pulled me back. I stumbled over my feet, glaring at the both of them as I tried to gain my balance back.

‘‘No, you are coming. And if Alex wants to ignore you, he can. Just get drunk and ignore him back.’’ Ellie said, pulling me further towards the house.

I wanted to debate with her, but her answer to this situation was easy. I’d just keep out of his way. He wouldn’t have to talk to me if he didn’t want to. Even as I came to this conclusion, I wined and pouted the rest of the walk to the house, trying to turn around and sneak away more than once, to no avail. Before I knew it, the large house came into view, over pouring with people crowding the yard and weaving and out of the front door.

You could hear the music from across the street; the pounding bass and upbeat rhythm nearly making the ground vibrate. I was very surprised the neighbors weren't out yet, but then again, they were probably used to it. The guys and Ellie are notorious party throwers. For any and every occasion, sometimes simply because it’s a Saturday, they’d throw these huge, ridiculous get- togethers- any reason to dance and drink until their vision is blurred and their self-control and dignity is out the window. The house was filled when we got there, and it was only just past six.

‘‘Let’s go get a drink!’’ Ellie shouted in my ear over the loud music and surrounding conversations. Jack had already let go of my arm and walked off to talk to someone. I followed Ellie to the kitchen, where she began throwing a strong concoction together. There were actually a lot of people I didn’t know here; a few I’d seen once or twice, but the others were all new faces.

‘‘What’s the need for this party?’’ I asked her as she handed me a glass with a red-orange mixture inside.

‘‘Do the guys ever need a reason?’’ She asked me, smirking. I laughed a little and shook my head - they never needed a reason, parties just started whenever they fancied.

She took a sip of her drink then looked at me. ‘‘It’s good - drink up. There are about ten more of those coming your way.’’ She pushed smiling down into her glass. I did as she said and before I knew it, I was into my sixth one. I had no idea what it was, but it was really good.

‘‘Bathroom break. I’ll be back in a minute.’’ I told her. She nodded, smiling at me through hazy eyes, picking up her cup and turning to talk to some guy. I stumbled through the people, actually having to hold onto the walls to help me stand. I tripped quite a few times, stumbling into people, mumbling apologies through drunken giggles. I walked up the stairs and across the landing. The bathroom was furthest away so I clung onto the banister all the way along. I knocked loudly on the door so anyone inside could hear me. There was no reply so I entered.

I closed and locked the door behind me, turning to look at myself in the mirror. My hair had gone from its neat curls to flat waves, frizzing up from the stuffy heat of the party and my constant movement of running my hands through my locks. I could barely even stand up without holding onto the counter and I was seeing double as I looked at my reflection. My eye make-up was smudged below my eyes, my lips a bright red from licking them mixed with the red drink I’d been guzzling down all night. Shrugging, I grabbed a tissue and fixed my face, scrunching my hair again with some water. Once I was finished, I did my business and washed my hands, giving myself one more once-over.

I shrugged off the way I looked, not really caring, and walked out of the bathroom, noticing a slight line had formed outside of the door. I made my way to the stairs and walked - well it was more like stumbled - down them. As I reached the bottom someone with their back turned to me, knocking me slightly off my feet but luckily I had the wall to balance me. I couldn’t help the giggle that escaped through my lips as I hugged the wall, even as I straightened back up.

‘‘Oh, sorry, you o-’’ He cut himself off when he noticed who he’d fallen into.

‘‘I’m fine,’’ I slurred. I knew he didn’t want to talk to me so I walked away from him. Alex was just going to end up pissed at everyone else since he’d seen me. I could only imagine the damage that had just caused.

I walked back to the kitchen to find Ellie but she had disappeared, the guy she was talking to now making out with some blonde girl against the refrigerator. I sighed to myself, knowing she’d be lost in the sea of people and I’d have no chance at finding her even in a small house. I picked up another drink and made my way to the living room, pushing past people who were standing around talking, or trying to do some form of moshing.

I heard arguing from behind me. Being the curious and nosey person I am, I spun back around, looking over shoulders and around bodies to see what was going on. Alex was standing with Jack and Ellie, his hands moving wildly and his eyes creased. I edged closer to their small group so I could hear what they were shouting about.

‘‘Why didn’t either of you tell me she was coming? What makes you think I fucking want her here?’’ He shouted at them. I visibly flinched, my heart breaking at the truth coming from Alex’s lips.

Jack and Ellie tried to explain something to him but he was having none of it. He just kept going and on, interrupting and raising his voice even louder every time Ellie or Jack tried to say something more to him. The three of them were oblivious to my presence but I still stood and listened, every word piercing me with the truth.
♠ ♠ ♠
Almost time to find out what happened between Alex and Daisy!

Thank you for commenting; reinventheart, Second.Heartbeat

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