Status: One Shot

Let Me Sign

Let Me Sign


The handcuffs turned my wrists red raw as they scraped against each other. A hefty man pulled me from the back of the car.

'If you had done what I asked then this would have never had to happen Ben' Alex said calmly whilst straightening the sleeves of his crisp white suit. I stared at him confused.

'What wouldn't have-' I was cut of mid sentence by a car driving up along side me. It's windows were unlike most of Alex's wannabe gangster cars were.

The end where the back doors where stopped in front of me. As the driver got out I heard muffled screams coming from the back.

'I'll give you a moment to say goodbye' Alex smirked and backed away chuckling to himself.

As I stumbled over to the car my stomach started to churn as a looked in through the window of the car. Adrianna.

'ADE!' I screamed whilst banging on the window. Just as I was about to reach for the door handle some men grabbed me from behind. I thrashed and kicked trying to get out of their grasp.

'Time's up'

Adrianna POV

I sat up at the sound of my name and looked up quickly enough to see Ben baning on the window. Then all of a sudden he was dragged away. I watched him thrash and scream. I had never seen him so angry before.

'BEN!' I screamed back. He looked at me and I watched as he looked ahead. He looked back at me and his eyes glossed over and tears ran down his face.

I have been living with Ben Bruce for 6 years and the only time I ever saw him cry was when he found me in a pool of my own blood and when I had OD'd.

I looked into the front seat and saw someone put a huge rock on the accelerator through the window. I started to scream even louder.

'BEN PLEASE DON'T LET THEM DO THIS TO ME! BEN PLEASE HELP BEENNN!' I cried as someone went underneath the car to cut the brakes.

'ADE! I'M SORRY! I LOVE YOU, I'M SO SORRY' he screamed back.

'I love you too...' I whispered as the tears ran relentlessly down my face. I stared at him and slowly placed my hand against the glass. Ben broke free and bolted to the window and placed his hand on mine. Men where about to run forward but Alex stopped them.

'I want him to see this'

Someone turned the car on and it lurched forward and over the cliff into the river below. I screamed as the car landed on the bed. I was alive. But the fall was't the was the water.

As I watched the car go over the cliff my heart stopped and all I could hear was Ade's blood curdling scream. I took of my jacket and shoes and ran and jumped into the river. After I resurfaced I could only see the roof of the car barely above the water. I dove down deeper and saw her banging on the glass trying to get out and then she stopped and smiled at me. It wasn't a happy smile it was a serene at peace smile.

Then she stopped smiling and flung herself backwards whilst gasping for air. I started to kick the window harder as I desperately tried to reach her. She stuck out her hand and then stopped moving. Her face frozen in an emotionless mask as she slipped slowly down so she lay on the back seat.

I finally broke through and dragged her limp body out of the car and laid it on the riverbank. I quickly clambered out and started to perform CPR.

After what seemed like hours I stopped. It was useless. I laid my head on her chest and intertwined our fingers.

I started crying like I never had before. I felt her fingers flutter ever so slightly in mine got back up and started to pump the water out of her lungs as she coughed and spluttered. I gathered her up in my arms and squeezed her tight. I never wanted to let go of her again.