Fate Fell Short

Happy Birthday, Love

Josh yawned and rubbed his tired eyes. He and the guys had gotten back from tour late the night before. He’d just crashed at his parents’ house because it was closer to the place where he needed to go. All Josh really wanted to do was go back to bed but he knew what he needed to do was much more important. He dragged himself out of bed and quickly got dressed. He grabbed the flowers he had bought the day before and made his way downstairs. He passed by the kitchen and saw his mom standing there.

“Good morning mum.”

“Good morning Joshua. I’m surprised to see you up this early. You boys got in late last night.”

Josh shrugged. “Yeah we did. I’m going to go see Scout though.”

His mother smiled at him. “You’re bringing her flowers? They’re beautiful. She’ll love them.”

“It’s her birthday.”

“It is, isn’t it? Well tell her happy birthday from me.”

“I’ll do that. Bye mum,” Josh leaned in to give his mom a kiss on the cheek before leaving the house.

Josh got into his car and drove to where Scout was. He hadn’t seen her since before tour and missed her. Josh parked his car and immediately smiled when he saw her. He got out of his car and walked towards her.

“Happy birthday, love. These are for you.”