Status: Work In Progress :)

Love Always Beats Hate

School with a cat fight.

I wake up and go to wake up Chaz up. 'Cuz he takes forever. Longer then me, which to me is forever.
''Chaz,get up.'' I say softly but not to soft.
''Five more minutes.'' He said tossing and turning.
''Get up or the strainer gets it.'' I say threatening. He's seriously obsessed about that damn straiten.
''DON'T TOUCH LARRY! I'M UP!'' Yah he named it. Larry, I would have picked a better name but what-eves.
I got dressed. I made bagels with Nutella. That shits the bomb, I also have to make Chaz one or he'll go nuts.
''Okay I'm ready!'' He screams and plops on the chair in front of me. Once we were done we left in Chaz's 59' Mustang Convertible. Its fuckin' sweet might I say so myself. We got to school.
Right when we parked, Katrina pulled up next to us. I thought 'oh great'.
''SO'' she said in a really loud obnoxious voice ''Yeah I am going on The Warped Tour. Oh, Danelle?" She called me.
''You wanna come. Oh wait I don't think they allow fat ugly people to come. Sorry.'' She said with a sneer. I punched her.
''Bitch! Fuck you whore!'' I said while I punched her. Abby and Chaz pulled me off. Shes lucky.
''Danelle Monra! To the office now!'' Mr.Romara said helping Katrina up. Also he had the vain in his neck popping out. I walk to the office and the secretary doesn't even have to look up as she said
''What did Katrina do know?" She get's me.
''She called me ugly and fat, so I punched her and called her a bitch and a whore.'' I said all in one breath.
''You are most definitely not fat or ugly.'' Mrs. Bruce said.
"Thank you Mrs. Bruce.'' Then Mrs.Tuleo walked in. Yah Abby's mom...I'm so not getting in trouble!
''Mom!'' I go to hug her.
''Danelle, what did Katrina do this time?'' She asks rolling her eyes.
''Well she called me ugly and fat. So I kinda, maybe, sort-of, Punched her. Just a tad bit tho''' I say in a nervous rush.
''Just go to class." She said annoyed but smiling. The 3rd hour bell rang. I had math with Abby and Chaz. I walk into Mr.Romara's class.
''Ahhhh Miss.Monra. Take a seat.'' Mr.Romara said with a sarcastic smile. I smile the same smile back as I walk to the back, Just as the advisory bell rung. Good thing too because I had advisory with both of them. We had Mr.Keddany. He was our gym teacher, he was a HUGE perv' so we had to run the whole 15 minutes.
Okay so I was just waiting to get my lunch as Chaz and Abby walk in the line behind me. The people behind me were obviously mad but they got over it. I had a hamburger with Mountain Dew. Yeah Buddy. We headed towards the big oak tree. There was this cute bunny and Abby wanted it. So, guess how I spent my lunch. Yeah trying to catch a fucking bunny! But I love Abby so I had too. I caught it! I feel like a boss!
5Th and 6Th Hour was crappy. Then It turned around 7Th hour. Mrs. Jakson is my woman's studies teacher. Her boyfriend called her during a reading session. She had it on speaker phone since she didn't know how to turn it off so she figured out he was cheating and he figured out she was a lesbian. Damn I aways knew it!
So yeah 7Th hour made my day.
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