Status: Updating regularly again! :)

Running Rainbows

Chpt. 6

Josh’s POV
I was so scared for Hannah. I could not let her hang up the phone, for fear of what she might do to herself....and I had hear that mumbled “Yet.”When I opened the door for her, her hand was raised mid-knock. She was sobbing and her arm and both legs had glass in them and were bleeding. I was ready to beat the snot out of who ever did this to her. She collapsed into my arms, and I pulled her into a tight hug, rubbing her back and rocking slightly. My shirt was soaking from her tears, and probably some blood, but I didn’t care, because someone had done this to the most perfect human being I knew, and broke her. Seeing her like this made me want to sit and cry myself. When her sobbing calmed to a slow whimper I pulled my head up and kissed her forehead. Then I sat us down on the couch, still holding her tightly. I felt like if I let her go I might lose her forever, and that thought scared the crap right out of me.
“Josh I’m so sorry,” she whimpered against my chest. “I mean look at me. I’m such an awful, broken, mess.”
“Hannah, no. I’m so sorry. I don’t know who did this to you, or why, but you do not deserve it. You are a sweet, kind, funny girl, and who ever did this to you should regret it for a long time. You know there’s that saying, “They only throw rocks at things that shine.”
She smiled up at me, somewhat sadly. “Josh, how come you’re so...” she seemed lost for words. “Perfect,” she finished, smiling. “You always know what to say and everything you do makes me sit and stare in awe, at how amazing you are. I don’t know how I deserved to be with a guy so perfect, but look at me now,” she smiled again, and hugged me tighter. I was speechless. Does she know that she just explained how I’ve always felt about her in under a minute perfectly? Then she giggled and said “And that was a Taylor Swift song.”
“Hannah, I have actually always felt the EXACT same way about you. And I seriously can’t believe I just quoted a Taylor Swift song. But now, I need you to tell me who did this to you,” I told her, carrying her into my bathroom to start cleaning up her arms and legs. She started to protest against telling me, but I grabbed her face in between my hands and stared into her beautiful blue eyes. That didn’t stop her, so I did what I did the first time she wouldn’t stop talking-I kissed her. Then I pulled away and looked at her again. “We can fix this,” I half whispered, lacing my fingers between hers

“Okay Josh, I think I owe you an explanation. My dad died when I was six, remember?” She said softly. I nodded. I did remember, I went to the dollar store and got her fake flowers and candy, it was all my own idea. “Ya,” she continued, “well, ever since then, my mom has been severely depressed. She hurts herself and others, and acts like she doesn’t even know my sister and I. And then every once in a while, once a month or so, she goes into a state of pure hatred. You would think she was crazy, that she had escaped a mental hospital. She was like that today, and started to blame me for my dad’s death.” Her voice quavered, and I pulled her closer to me, I didn’t think she could get much closer, but she managed to mold her body into mine. “I know it wasn’t my fault, but she started yelling at me, saying I was a murderer, and to stay out of her house. She won’t get help Josh, I don’t know what to do.” And her voice broke, and she was crying all over again, and I kissed her tears away, slowly removing myself from her, and walking into the kitchen.

She looked hurt when I left and I told her “Two seconds,” and returned a few seconds later with two bowls of ice-cream. She was sitting cross-legged on the couch, with her head in her hands. I half lied down on the couch, and pulled her down with me. We ate ice-cream, and watched cartoons, and I told her the whole time that she was perfect, and we would get through this together. Cheesy, I know, but she needed to hear it.

After about 2 hours of lying there, talking and playing with her hair, she sat up. “I need to go,” she said, looking kind of scared. “Hannah, you said she gets like this for days though. What if she hurts you again?” I asked, concerned. “I don’t have anywhere else to go Josh!” she snapped. Then she started rambling again, apologising- “Josh I didn’t mean to snap I-” I grabbed her wrists and pulled her down so she was looking in my eyes. “Do I really have to kiss you again?” I teased. She giggled. “Hannah, you can stay here. You are always welcome here,” I said, meaning it. “Josh I-” “Hannah. Pleeeeeease?” I said, sounding like when I was 10 and my mom was debating on letting Matt spend the night or not. She laughed, her laugh was like beautiful music, and said “Okay, but I still have to get my stuff. I guess I could just sneak in quietly...” “I’m driving you,” I said. “Okay, but really Josh, you don’t have to go with any of this if you don’t want to. I wouldn’t wan-” I kissed her again. “Get in the truck,” I smirked at her than winked. She smiled and shook her head. “Shotgun.”
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Sorry if my chapters seem short? But Hannah's mom is c-raaaaazy the next chapter!!