‹ Prequel: Caught Between the Two
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She Takes Me High

I Can't Take It

Ugh...I'm doing it again. I'm ppushing Jasey away and all thanks to this jealousy of mine. I don't even know why it happened all of a sudden. I'm just being stupid...
"Uh Jack?"
I looked next to me to see Alex sitting down. It was currently our lunch period. It wasn't like past years though. Alex and I had a different lunch period than Rian and the girls, which now I believe was for the best.
"You ok dude? I've been calling your name for a
while now."
"Oh you have?"
He nodded. "Uh yea."
"Oh sorry, I didn't hear you."
"Obviously. So are yo going to tell me or not?"
I sighed. There was really no point in lying to Alex. Ever since my lil mishap in freshman year, he's been pretty alert of when something's not right with me.
"It's happening again."
He looked at me strangely. "What's happening?"
"The whole Jasey situation."
Alex eventually found out why I was acting stranger than usual after Jase and Zack started going out. Out of all people, I didn't quite expect Alex to figure it out but I guess some people just surprise you when you least expect it.
"What, why? You were cool around her this
I shook my head. "Not really. Luck is just not on my side. Fate is just teasing me or maybe my life is just some pathetic joke."
"Jack just be direct and tell me what the fuck
I sighed. "We have like 4 classes together."
"That's awesome dude...."
I groaned. "No it's not."
"It isn't, I thought you loved Jasey."
"I do but she's with Zack. I'm trying to get rid of these feelings I have for her. Now because of these classes, I have to see her more than usual."
Alex sighed. "Jack, you can't really help who you fall for."
"I'm fucking pathetic for liking someone who I
know will never feel the same way."
He just shook his head at me. "Dude it's not
pathetic. You can't bring yourself down like that."
After my little pep talk with Alex, lunch ended and we continued on with our school day. My last class of the day was English, which I happened to have Jase in. She was already seated in class when I walked in. Jasey saw me standing by the door and waved me over. I put a smile on my face and walked over. I sat down in the desk beside hers.
"Hey Jack-Jack."
"Hey Jasey."
"I missed having you at lunch. So did Rian. He felt left out being the only guy there." she giggled.
Damn it all. There goes my heart.
"Uh yea. It's weird not being all together."
She gave me one last smile before class finally started. After a long forty-five minutes, school was finally over. Jasey and I walked out to the school parking lot, where we met up with the rest of our friends. Just as we were trying to figure out where to hang out, an all too familiar car parked beside Alex's. Zack and Noel stepped out. Jasey, of course, ran over to her beloved boyfriend and kissed him. I glanced over at Alex and saw him just give me a sympathetic look. I shrugged it off and looked the other way.
♠ ♠ ♠
So here's chapter 3.
Hope you enjoy!
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