A World Void of Meaning

Night 1

I found myself in a small, empty house though it's not really a house, just a room. The only furniture to this lonely little place was a table and chair that was dusty and old looking as if it had not been used in quite a while, a door and one window. I try pinching myself in a pathetic attempt to wake up to the real reality from this nightmare but I only caused myself more panic. I have no body. No hands, no feet, no legs, no arms, no face. I'm a ghost. This is no good, if I cant pinch myself to wake up I'll be stuck here forever. I paced back and forth until I decided it was doing me no good so I decided to dare myself to go outside but before I do that I went to go look outside the small window of the cabin.

This world really is a desolate world, one where living things do not roam around. It's just me in this place that seems void of any meaning. In this world it seems like nothing is born, but also nothing dies so if I cant wake up to reality I'll be stuck here as a lonely wanderer. I looked out the window but it's dark and the only lights are the little beads of light rising from the ground, like fireflies only when they seemed to reach high enough they stop emitting light. I open the rickety old door andI decide to go out and look around.

There really is no other sign of life here in this world only unending fields of tall green grass. I start walking, listening to to the swishing sounds the grass made as I trudged through their tangled mess. That was the only sound I heard. There was no talking, no birds chirping thief songs, no cars on their way to their destination, nothing. I think that this could be a nice change though it's nice and quiet. There's no one here to tell me what I can and cannot do, there's no places I have to go or things I have to do, no rush, no anxiety, no life. Its like I'm a soul wandering about a solitary land.

I walk for what seems to be hours but yet this scenery never changes, it's just a dark sky and tall dark green grass. The lights are getting dimmer as I walk farther away from the little cabin in which I awoke in. I decide to walk back because it doesn't look like there's much else for me to explore, everything's the same. This world seems to be filled with despair and longing to be something that nurtures life, it's like it's a world that was forgotten to be created. Though I think it's better to be here than in the busy place I called home because it's peaceful and there's no rush to do things and get things done. I think, "If only I had someone here to share it with so I wouldn't be so lonely."

As I get back to the cabin I sit in the dusty old chair and take time to let the surroundings well what of them sink in. The question is still bugging me. "Why am I here? Am I to look for something? Or am I to just be left here for the sake of being here?"

I have a feeling that since I was put here in such a desolate world that in order to occupy myself to avoid thinking about it too much, I must search. I don't know what I'll search for but I'll search past the endless landscape to find whatever it is that will bring joy to this lonely world.
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First chapter (:
I really love the storyline of this and I hope you all love it too!
so what do you think should I keep going or leave it?
Comments are welcomed