A World Void of Meaning

Night 2

I'm back in this world again, but somethings changed. There's wind outside that's blowing the tall green grass. I go out to feel the wind, its a warm wind the kind that you get in the spring the type of wind that's just enough to make the tree's leaves sing. It's a nice change from the normal dark blue sky. I'm uncertain as to how I'm staying in the same place right now seeing as I'm just a soul with no body but I guess souls aren't affected by weather conditions. It's lonely here still, I'll go explore again heck its better than sitting in the cabin doing nothing.

It's still all the same scenery, except this new addition of wind. walking is still a lonely, solitary experience. The feeling of longing comes back to me. I'm still searching for what I'm longing for, it seems as it's taking forever which really it is. Longing for what I don't know is slowly tearing me down inside. When I'm awake in the real world all I want is to be left alone by people, because they only hurt me but now that I'm in this desolate world I realize I never want to be alone. I guess this is my minds cruel way of shocking some sense into me.

Suddenly an overwhelming sadness covers me like a black sheet. I start crying and fall to my knees. "What's happening to me?" I ask myself. I cannot find an answer. The ground is soft. I bet if I laid down here that I would disappear from this world but I know that the only thing that will happen is nothing. There's no stars to watch, just the little light spots rising from the ground but they disappear. They're lucky. I wish I could leave this world of sadness but I cant find a way out.

By this time I've managed to wander so far off into the nothingness that I'm unsure of where my little cabin is and all I see is the dark sky and the tall grass. I guess I'm in for a night of looking.