A World Void of Meaning

Night 3

The same place is this dark and lonely place, but it seems that I have been given a body on this night. It's a fragile body, poorly crafted wooden arms, legs hands and feet, weathered old torso, and it seems that from looking in the reflection of the window that my face is an old red and blue cracked mask. It doesn't smile. I wonder if this how I look on the inside, a broken soul.

I try the new body out walking left to right, jumping up and down. The body seems to work properly except for my one hand doesn't seem to move. It's the right hand so I wonder if that's because I'm left handed so I never use my right hand, the creator of this world must've thought " Oh, he never uses that hand so what's the use of wasting my time to give him both working hands?". The jerk.

I know that it's a useless effort but I use my good hand to turn the rusted old door knob and go explore, maybe with this new body I'll be able to see things in this world in a new perspective. I walk out to the same tall grass and the same dark blue sky. The wind is gone. Guess it's something new every night. I walk and it's nice to be able to feel the ground underneath my feet. It would be nicer though if I had someone to share this feeling with. I think that if I had that one special person with me that I would enjoy this world a little more. Watching the firefly like lights float up and disappear into the air, listening to the tall grass swish as we walk, even walking endlessly throughout this boring landscape would be better with that one significant other with me. It would make this world somewhat brighter. But for now I guess I just have to wander aimlessly and alone.
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I'm not exactly sure where I'm going with these but I hope they're not boring!
Comments would be appreciated (: