A World Void of Meaning

Night 5

Biking and biking even though this bike is broken and I have no clue where I'm going. This scenery is driving me crazy if only it would change, that is all I wish. I remember at one time there was wind, and another there was little lights but since then there had been nothing more different then a small puddle of water in which I could not feel the water because of this broken wooden body. I still can use my hand since I broke it but I've gotten riding the bike down with one hand. I use the broken hand to hold the random pieces of scrap I find.

Normally this body of mine does not feel because well if my soul had not been attached to it this body would be just a big inanimate object. It cannot feel the tickle of the long grass or the coolness of the puddle as I splashed through it. Though I don't feel pain in this body I don't mind not being able to feel anything physically. Bet breaking my hand would've been a heck lot worse if I would've felt the crack of the wood.

I see a shaded figure ahead of me and as I get closer I realize that it is the cabin that I was trying to find since I wandered to far off. I bike to it and barged in as if I owned the place which in my case I guess I do. I drop all the scraps I found on the rickety old table and think what I could do with a bunch of scrap metal and wood. I pace back and forth to try and think but I can't succeed. I go to the window, the dark sky makes the window of this cabin act somewhat like a mirror. I look at the details of my face. Still cracked, still mismatched in color, still with that sad face and emotionless eyes. I wonder is this who I've become in this lonely world? Is this what I've turned into? Searching and searching only to find nothing and realize that your probably never going to find this thing your looking for anyway because in this world nothing is born or dies so it's just you and no one else? I now realize now that I may never escape this void world and that realization in itself, makes my spirit die a little.