The Unknown

Chapter 1

I woke up to hear my mom and dad talking quite loudly outside my bedroom door, it was 9pm and our New Year’s party was about to start, I only put my head down for what seemed like 5 minutes and it turned out to be 3 hours. I had one or two friends coming over as my guests for New Years, Jack and Wren. Jack an 16 year old who was quite tall for his age, light blonde hair curly, big blue eyes, long eye lashes, perfect face, tanned skin much like my own, he was slender and toned. He was one of my very best friends, also the older brother of Wren.

I however short, straight dark hair, dark eyes, tall but not as tall as Jack, slender, not as toned but yes I liked to work out – I of course gave up a lot easier than Jack. After starring at myself in the mirror I decided going downstairs in boxers wasn’t such a good idea. Not with the bruises I’d gotten. I opened a draw and flung a shirt on, buttoned it up and shoved some pants on; I ran a comb through my hair just to flatten the bed hair and quickly pulled some socks on, then stepped into my sneakers and laced them up. I dashed out of my room and bounded down the stairs leaving my bedroom door wide open. I jumped on the couch and sat there watching the clock waiting. I heard my mom sigh – obviously at my wide open door, she began walking down the stairs slowly she was 6 and a half months pregnant with my baby brother or sister so she was rather slow getting around now, dad was in the kitchen preparing drinks. They both seemed to enjoy the whole pregnant mom thing, they couldn’t wait for her to “Pop” as they explained it. Yet I wasn’t excited one bit? What is so exciting about a baby to a 14 year old boy – nothing that’s what.

There was a knock at the door, I shot up to opened the door. The women – my aunts ran straight past me and right towards my mom who’d only just gotten down the stairs. Followed by two men my uncles who went straight for the booze, I looked across the road to Jack and Wren’s house the lights were on but no one seemed to be coming out. I shut the door a little disappointed.

I watched the clock again.

Moments later a few more guests arrived but still no sign of Jack or Wren. I kept looking at the clock then nervously back at the door. I needed somthing to amuse me or distract me for a while, I started twiddling my thumbs. There was a quiet tapping at the door, I slowly made my way past the crowds and swams of people who all seemed to be trying to keep me ever further away from the door, I unlocked it, feeling my mood deflate like a burst balloon, I opened the door.
“Hey Ash” Jack beamed at me, he tapped my shoulder with his hand as he walked past, he made his way to the kitchen to try his luck with my dad on giving him some alcohol.

I smiled and turned to look outside again, there she was; shoulder length dark near black wavy hair, pale skin, he bright green eyes, her soft smile and a voice that was as gentle and as quiet as a whisper but loud enough for those who care to hear. She smiled at me and I smiled back, stepping aside for her to come in. She slowly stepped past me and I helped her take her coat off; I put it on the coat rack then walked into the living room with her. She was wearing a white knee length dress with different coloured sparkly bits, she looked like an angel.

Angel. That’s what I’d first ever called her when I met her, I was holding my mom’s hand in the park I was around 5 or 6 and Wren was walking with her older brother and I nudged my mom and said “Mommy, is she an Angel” she had long dark hair that was blowing in the wind, the sunlight was dancing off of her eyes and her smile, it was a heart lifting, heart breaking smile. My mom just laughed at me and replied with a simple “Nope, she’s Wren, she lives across the street.”

I smiled at the distant memory.
“What’s wrong?” I heard her soft concern; I noticed she was looking deep into my eyes
“Nothing” I smiled wondering if I was blushing
“I know” She smiled sweetly and looked away from my eyes
I watched her slightly confused, she always confused me, when she looked into someones eyes it was as if she could see right into their soul, into their thoughts, she was weird but that’s what made her my best friend.
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03-01-12 - I'm enjoying writing this x3
04-07-12 - I made a few changes and will be doing in each chapter.